Moon in Sagittarius 4
During this period of your life, perhaps you will feel a penchant for idealism and adventurism. Progressive Moon in Sagittarius often gives naivety and ignorance of worldly affairs and philosophically judge the whole experience as a process of awareness. Now the good concepts and philosophical debates seem important, and this time your own. Life, when you want to expand their horizons and achieve independence. Even the natal Moon in Cancer may experience an episode of "Do not restrict me." Moon in Capricorn.
When the moon is a progressive move from open to closed Sagittarius a Capricorn, your senses are taking some of the more conventional role. You are now concerned about their position and their appearance, image, and your behavior may become important. Now you're less likely to use the occasion to give vent to his feelings, and become cautious in the reactions to other people. This passage may be good for business affairs, if the rest of your progression support it.