Moon position in tree houses
At home I favorable: gives direction to the changes. Women's happiest influence on the year and month, the unfavorable: instability in the plans, you need to make healthy choices, especially in women's charts.
In the II house favorable: the successful implementation of financial projects. Increases profits. Unfavorable year and month, are not conducive to the interests of the subject, period, is associated with change. Observed in the profits, losses.
In home supportive III: travel or frequent small movements. Subject happy siblings or neighbors. Time, suitable for training. Unfavourable movements that accompany the trouble; obstruction relatives.
In the IV house favorable: conducive for family life. Satisfying the subject of relocation. Period favorable for cases involving real estate acquisitions and sales, for issues related to inheritance. Unfavorable obstacles to the implementation of plans for relocation or change, fraught with difficulties. Danger to the father or mother.
The V house favorable: a sign of fertility favors the pregnancy. A new feeling. Good luck in speculation. Unfavorable instability of feelings, which the subject sends someone or from someone receives. Trouble caused by an affair. A difficult pregnancy. Concerns associated with children.
The VI house favorable: poor health, but the associated problems of short duration. Unfavorable: a strong deterioration in health.
In the VII house favorable: the time, suitable for marriage, for the bonds and contracts. Unfavorable instability in domestic affairs, relationships. Disorder or delay in the implementation plans for the union or joint operation. Unsuccessful process.
In the VIII house favorable: good financial standing of a spouse. Discovering the benefits after the mourning. Unfavorable: the weakening of vitality for the wife or the female card for a spouse. Turbulent period.
In the IX house favorable: happy, pleasant journey. Development of some mental direction. Unfavorable risk the journey. Troubles and turmoil in his soul.
In the X house favorable: the development of the situation, change in employment under good conditions. Prosperity, popularity. Unfavorable disorder in the position of the subject, it's hard to stay in what a lesson. Difficult time.
In the eleventh house favorable: a lot of friends, new friendships and social connections. Support from women. Unfavorable friendships are numerous, but are unstable. Promise of support that are not fulfilled. Adversely affect women, belonging to the circle of acquaintances of the subject.
In the XII house favorable: protection, protection from moral and material hardship. Time, suitable for a psychological orientation. Unfavorable trouble and complications caused by a woman. Chronic ill health. Test period.
But as Mary interprets the Moon configuration in an arc separating one provision of the Moon in the SB on the other: