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Motives of human behavior

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Motives of human behavior

Motives of human behavior define the essence of his personality, are the basis of personality each of us. We will help you determine the true and dominant motive of human behavior. Knowledge of the motives of your contact - it's half the battle in communion with him. Second half - is the ability to apply your knowledge. We will give recommendations how to carry on a conversation with people who are guided by different motives. People differ not only personality traits, features of the emotional sphere, the views of the surrounding world, but also the motivation of behavior.
There are so many motives that determine the behavior of people. Sometimes one and the same activity is due to different motives. Remember the heroes of the story Chekhov's "kids": kids in the story of playing lotto, and every child does this, for their motives and needs. Everyone has the interest in game: who is playing for money, someone because of excitement (it tends to win, to amuse their ego), someone for the sake of the process, and someone is immersed in math games and enjoys on how much light on any numbers. The same thing happens in the adult world - it would seem, we all basically live in the same way: go for work, get married and get married, have children, dress, talk to people around us, but everyone does it, their objectives wants to meet only those needs that are paramount for him.

Motive benefits

One of the most common human motivations - profit is the motive, the motive of profit. Some people live, act, make good and bad deeds with only one aim - to get a material reward. They evaluate everything from a position of "beneficial - no benefit": the work must be paid, socializing with other people should benefit. How to identify a person who lives, guided by the motive of profit? It is easy enough to calculate such a man, if you try to analyze the range of his interests. Such people are usually materialists from tips to roots. They are all measures the monetary (numerically) equivalent. For example, a good job - this is where you can earn good money, a good friend - is the one who can give loans, which can help in career growth. The main value of these people - it's money. The highest goal - to get rich.

Recognition motif surrounding

Some people aspire to, to win the recognition of others, from the skin crawl out to get noticed. Often people choose this type myself a public profession - actor, TV presenter and journalist. Very rarely do they work office clerks, or just a teacher. How to calculate a person who tends to the universal acceptance? This is a fairly bright person, very impulsive and vulnerable. They are very fond of society and, as a rule, prefer big and noisy companies, seeking always to be in the spotlight. If they have not chosen any creative profession or public, then their need for the attention of others is fundamental. These sorts of ways to try to attract attention: for example, organize corporate events, preparing speeches for birthday staff, try something to surprise, to make everyday life a celebration. Accordingly, waiting on the surrounding high evaluation of their activities. The biggest compliment for an artist of any scale - it's an encore: when people are asked to repeat a piece of "performance". These people are indispensable in the company: they skillfully devise leisure facilities for all, try to save a failed party.

The motif of interest

People who live by the principle "is interesting - uninteresting, usually quite versatile, and personality development. They are in first place for himself does not put money and fame, and self-interest. Such people are making serious headway in the work, as their drags the process of labor, rather than reward or attention of others. Among such people often come across very hard workers - people who can work day and night, and not because of the possible increase, not because of the great prizes at the end of the month, but just because they are really interesting. They enjoy their business and the results of their labor. The same principle they have valid choice of friends: they prefer to communicate only with those people who are attracted by their ability to carry on a conversation, his personal qualities, they do not expect to communicate anything other than communication.

The motif of jealousy

Jealousy is often the cause of stigma for people who have succeeded a bit more than us. Sometimes envy - it's a good incentive for improvement. If a person wants to be better than others, it means he wants to move forward, eager to become better than he is. Calculate the envious person is not always easy. People who are guided by envy, as a rule, very closed. They try not to advertise their own deeds and merits, so as not to give rise to jealousy by others. They up the surgeon carefully analyze their own achievements and those of his associates and as a result remain dissatisfied with themselves. Their characteristic feature - a repetition of the progress already achieved the surrounding people. They often make their purchase only after someone from their environment has become their proud owner. Envious love to gossip and talk about the achievements of other people - they do it with malice, and often concealed in the success of others see the universal injustice, trick. Increasing colleagues - this is a real stressful situation for them, they always comforted myself with the thought: "In its place, I should be.

Motive of shame

People who are guided by the motive of shame, are usually very stiff and fellowship, and extremely suffer from complexes. They are afraid to get into an awkward situation, to become a laughing stock, look ridiculous. All their actions are subject only to a single goal - not to cause laughter in others. Very often their zakompleksovannost and fear makes them extremely vulnerable. They think that it is widely attracted the attention of someone else, which for them is extremely unpleasant. They try not to stand out among the masses of people who dress very discreet, at public meetings do not act, fearing that their performance will be the most unsuccessful. Fear of making mistakes makes them slaughtered people who do not know how to behave with dignity in society. They are always very precise and punctual, as the fear that delay might bring to their attention with the person they are moderately polite and helpful towards others. They can remain in the shadows, even if have a remarkable talent.

Motive of fear

The desire to avoid trouble - it is quite normal human desire. But some people are in constant fear and anxiety for themselves and their lives, as previously afraid to get into any story. Chekhov is indicative character - a schoolteacher Belikov ("Man in a Shell"), which is afraid of everything. Fear arises because of noise in class, poor weather, conspiracy teachers. Such people are always like reinsured in advance, try to protect yourself from possible trouble. They are afraid to get sick, so even in sunny weather, as the hero of Chekhov's wear warm clothes and waterproof shoes. They take an umbrella, even if on the street and sunny weather forecasters do not promise of rain. They are afraid of being late to anything, so advance out of the house. If something is not on their plan, then they will often panic and do not know how to behave. For them, any extraordinary situation - a very strong stress.
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