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Motor development of the child

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Motor development of the child

Turning to medical facilities, parents of children with disturbances in motor development, usually awaiting appointment of child motor activities, which will conduct an experienced specialist. The task of parents is reduced to the delivery of a child to school. This approach to movement therapy is ineffective. Time correctional studies is at best 1 / 10 the total duration of motor activity of the child. If the child in the remainder of the study's time to move pathological way, using its limited capacity, the effect of motor training is leveled. Thus, the therapist's task is the organization of such a child's life, at which time pathological functioning decreases, and the experiment proper motion increases.

The problem consists of three main parts:

1. Organization of the habitat of the Child, which determines the position, level and nature of sensory input, a form of communication and the level of spontaneous motor activity.

2. Classes are aimed at blocking the pathological forms of activity and encourage the use of proper motions.

3. Activities aimed at developing new propulsion possibilities.

The solution of these problems during the therapeutic course, consisting of time-limited sessions, it is unrealistic and requires the active participation of parents. Thus, an important part of the therapist is to educate parents. Practice has shown that a simple instruction does not give the desired result. Therefore it is necessary to use a system of interaction between the therapist with their parents, leading to the involvement of parents in the therapeutic program, which ensures its success.

A correct image motion
The first stage of work is almost always urge parents to their own therapeutic work. The solution to this problem starts with overcoming the fears of many parents, breaking social stereotypes. Typically, parents are afraid to hurt the child inadequate actions, which is associated with a desire primarily to provide him a comfortable existence. In most cases, the basic social attitude of parents - to shift the responsibility for remedial classes at the therapist. In this situation the therapist's task is to support the skills of the contact parents with a child, teaching them basic techniques of handling the baby and to demonstrate its potential.

Another important piece of remedial work - organizing solutions proper motor tasks. Must take into account that different types of tasks and require different time for their implementation. Longest formed muscle volume and muscle strength, overcome abnormal posture and installation takes less time to form properly coordinated and friendly movements, is most easily mastered motor skills. Basic stage of motor adjustment is shared with parents and the analysis of habitat modification of the child, which should be adequate to the actual motor task. The organization of the environment is only possible with the active involvement of motivated parents, as they often require them to review of attitudes or lifestyle changes.

Blocking pathological postures and attitudes in the first place provided the correct position of the baby in the crib, in the hands of parents, methods of feeding, transferring, dressing, bathing, etc. It is necessary to build the conditions for adequate communication and play. The task of the therapist comes to the formulation of the problem, parent education and control. When forming the right image motion and friendly movements necessary to train parents methods of stimulation of the movements of the Child, as well as the skills of monitoring their adequacy. Parents may experience various difficulties in the development of different movements. Should be encouraged in the parents desire and ability to analyze, together with the therapist the reasons for the problems and find ways to adjust the motor program.

It is important to remember that parents themselves are very difficult to assess the dynamics of development of motor skills, as this process can be very slow, and sometimes look like a setback at a time when a child stops using abnormal motion and right have not yet mastered. In some cases, on the contrary, the formation of a new motor stage pathologically organized movement regarded by parents as a significant progress and fixed.

Therefore, the therapist should regularly landmark formulate criteria for evaluating the effectiveness and safety margins of the therapy. The formation of motor skills has a definite sequence and is based on the basic motor coordination. Ie motor development is determined by the series connection and ottormazhivaniem a number of reflex patterns. In the absence of a physiological reflex to ensure their motor skills are not formed, and the evocation of movement on the basis of pathological reflexes leads to the formation of abnormal movement, which blocks the further development and forms the pathological motor complex.

Mandatory supervision from a specialist

Often parents try to form a motor child development, appropriate by their representations, for his age. This usually leads to a gross distortion of motor development and the formation of abnormal movements, and sometimes the strain of the skeleton. In this case, parents are inefficient use of the classroom, is wasted energy of the child, who are already limited, and most importantly - exacerbate existing pathology, which is then difficult to correct. Therefore the task of the therapist in this situation - gently but firmly hold the parents within a coherent promotion of the motor program.

Motor development of the child should be gradual: first isolated evocation of the movement itself, and then use this movement in a specially organized to facilitate and then - the formation of its practical application. To parents the task of how to more frequent initiation of movement, an organization of game and domestic situations for easy and practical use of motor skill. It should be remembered that the use of the new features may cause the child as joy and fear. In addition, while the new movement is not utilized sufficiently, they are not very effective.

Therefore, you may receive a child's tendency to avoid the use of new skills and use more than usual for his abnormal behavior. Parents are important to support and encourage the child to use cultivated images of motion, to be aware of their need to be assertive in the use of child ottormazhivanii pathological motor stereotype. Keep in mind that many motor skills are best secured in the elements of self. Therefore, parents should find opportunities for their inclusion in everyday situations, despite the fact that sometimes it's considerably complicates the care of a child.
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