Movement Asc
Experience shows that the promotion of Asc, makes a complete revolution in the zodiac during the year, has the same meaning as the Sun transits. Obviously, this movement is nothing but a logical development of the real progression / Note: This term is used to distinguish between this system and the symbolic progressions of 1 degree per month /, according to which the configuration formed within 24 hours after the return of the Sun on its place, shared by 12 months of the year. Promotion of Asc for 3 min. 56.6 sec. corresponds to one day. Nevertheless, beginners do not have complete tables Asc / for example, in Volume II "Astrological Glossary" Gushona and Revershona or "Tables Dalton / can work with uniform motion Asc, is / 360 °: 365 days / 59'10, 7 "a day, but in this case, no need to find the exact dimensions, because during the promotion of Asc in the signs of long ascension, this measure is too great when Asc is in the signs of rapid ascent, daily 59'10, 7 "are too small. Annual movement Asc absolutely not suitable for proof of a good or bad nature of a particular item, or to pinpoint the events they talk about progression.