Mugwort (Artemisia Common) from the evil eye, damage
Mugwort - one of the most effective tools against witchcraft, as well as in the treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases associated with spoilage.
Smoke-dried mugwort herb expel evil spirits from the house.
• A runaway Midsummer mugwort prevents pain in the spine, if on that day they tie waist.
• In epilepsy and schizophrenia 3st. l. grass in the evening to put in a thermos and pour boiling water 3stakanami. In the morning strain, divided into 3priema and drink for 30 minutes before meals.
• mugwort helps when walking in his sleep, treating seizures in infants. Children older than two years, give a teaspoon of decoction of grass after each hour.
• If anyone has a headache, finely chop the tarragon with common roots and cooking with wine or vinegar, 2 hours, drain. This hot broth to wash my hair. After that you should hide woolen cloth and go to bed, that from the patient was sweating.
• If you must drink difficult childbirth childbirth warm decoction of herbs or roots mugwort.
• If fresh chopped herb to put near the navel, then you can not keep for long, can involve the uterus.
• The root of mugwort, infused vodka, consumed in the treatment of cancer.
• If the bladder does not let the urine, it is necessary rye flour mixed with mugwort root and attach around the bladder.
• mugwort tincture well to the treatment of epilepsy in girls 12-15years.
100g of roots to fill in 0,5 liters of vodka. 10days infuse in a warm dark place, shaking occasionally, drain.
Take a teaspoon 3 times a day.
• With infertility, men or women drink a decoction of roots or herbs.
• Broth drives stone from the kidney or bladder.
• Dry powder, powdered mugwort sores on the penis.
• If insomnia is moistened with broth mugwort temples and wrists.
• Broth mugwort drives the dead fetus, the uterus heals ulcers, menstruation increases.
• If you burn the plant and ash to enter the uterus, it will cure the ulcer, and tumor nodules.
• When rectal cancer is necessary to make lotions and douche from broth of herbs and roots.
• A strong decoction of herbs drink with inflammation of the pleura, as well as from paralysis.
Contraindication for use of mugwort are pregnancy, thyrotoxicosis, migraine.