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Music classes in violation of communication in children

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Music classes in violation of communication in children

Music lessons develop the creative possibilities of the child, give him a rich experience, fill life with joy and bright impressions. As a rule, before the merger of children in the group stage, each child is individual training - immersion in music, dating from the teacher (this is especially important when we meet with the child withdrawn, anxious, avoid contact). It should be very carefully consider it for the first meeting with the child, because of them depends largely on the success of future work. In an effort to establish contact with the child, help him to change his status, is configured to interact with others, we do not require a child to act according to the rules do not limit the positive activity of the child.

Familiarity and contact

What is the role of the adult stage of dating? First of all - the role of observer, but not passive, but actively following the child's musical means. We present some of the techniques used in music therapy. Maintenance Action Child musical passages played on musical instruments, tune into his mood and character actions. Accompanying voice. Teacher commented on the motion by a child, and the text sings the melody, matching the mood of the child. These dating methods are possible if the child is active, move around the room, looking at her, picks up the musical instruments, etc., but avoids direct contact with an adult, and if he is outwardly passive, self-absorbed, is not interested in others, not looking for an adult, does not enter into a dialogue.

Musical interaction

Such participation is an adult is the most secure (not scary and not disturbing the child) and provides an opportunity to establish interaction: it may be a joint musical experience, choosing a piece of music, the teacher reflects the child's emotional state, sings about it. Cooperative play a musical instrument helps to establish a child a deeper relationship. An adult should strive to achieve musical results and somehow adjust the child's action (unless they are clearly destructive nature). It is important to enable the child to express themselves and play along on this or other instrument.

Joint music-making might not immediately. Sometimes the child does not allow adults to interfere with his game and only gradually, after some time, it is possible to achieve musical dialogue. Such interaction is possible when a child shows interest in musical instruments and in a moment enjoys playing on one of them, do not actively avoid participating adult. At this stage, following the child, we try to understand what makes him happy, scary or disturbing, as it affects the state of the different nature of the music, the sound of musical instruments.

Games with rules

Approaching the stage of learning, we will gradually introduce in music classes in violation of communication in children - playing elements. Thus, we set the rules of the game and encourage the child to follow these rules. Our work with the aim to ensure that the child has mastered some form of conduct or a particular skill. We play games like "Horses" (music by J. Dubrovin), "Boat" (music Khrennikov), "Machine" (music by K. Volkova), "palm" (a game from Sat E. Makshantsevoy "Skvorushka).

We try to use in the classroom ritual, ie identical, repetitive actions, even at the first stage of the individual work, if the child does not resist it (as a rule, children with communication disorders bring their stereotypes). Gradually builds up a certain structure classes with clearly fixed starting and ending with elements to symbolize the transition from one game to another.

Principles of construction activities

Ritualization. After the reunification of children in a group ritual becomes a canvas class, which the therapist, as an improviser and performer must submit before to fill it with the necessary content. Repetitive elements provide training in children a sense of security. Fear of the unknown for many children - a wall that separates them from the outside world. Ritual, removing the child from fear and opens the way to mastering some new skills. In addition, the ritualization does repeat nenazoylivym that allows you to include testing of any skill in general act as an element of ritual. The main rituals associated with the beginning and end of classes - music greeting and farewell. They lie in the singing of the accompaniment with or without words, addressed to the child or group, and respond to them.

Greeting, becoming familiar to children, is a trigger, include them in the job. For greetings and goodbyes are using any instrument noise (mostly diamonds, it is not very sharp sound, and at the same time, he quite clearly captures the rhythm of the phrase). Further appeal to the child may be more personal: the instrument that he likes, with those words that will please or appease him. In the first sessions, when the child is not accustomed to the ritual helps him assistant (played by an instrument in response and says a greeting like a child). Ritual greeting helps to establish between the teacher and the child soft trust. Later, as an accompanying instrument, you can use a piano or a guitar (choice of instrument is always associated with the peculiarities of a particular child or group).

Goodbye - the final chord, which summarizes the lessons. Leave, as well as greeting, can be with each child individually or with the whole group.

In the future, if enough children have mastered these rituals and willingly participate in them, we can somewhat complicate them by adding after the words of greeting or farewell still an issue. Children (individually or together) answer this question. Dialog expands.

To move from one activity to another can also use rituals. For example, children asked to play various musical instruments. Tools are laid on the table, said each tool is reminded of his sound, and then the child chooses an instrument to play. Or any dance begins with the fact that children are in a circle and take each other's hands (of course, in some cases, it's all done with the help of assistants).

Many children are very excited to be able to anticipate events, when he heard a familiar melody, song or game, they know what they will do something with which they have repeatedly inquired. For someone very important step in the development is mastering workflow. However, it should be noted that when the habit of certain rituals, some children are extremely difficult to even slightly modify them.

Employment Dynamics

Alternation of activities (listening to music, singing, playing musical instruments, movement) allows you to build dynamic lessons. Based on our objectives, lesson can be built on the mood swings (relaxation and excitement) or create a climax, when there is a gradual emotional saturation, and increase physical activity, giving way to the end of the relaxation exercises (from the lyrical melodies and smooth movements to the bravura, energetic, releasing energy, and then a gradual relaxation). However, often deviate from the original plan, based on the state in which children come to class. For example, if the children are excited and they are now particularly difficult to sit still, it's best to start with mobile games, dances - it will facilitate the transition to employment, not requiring physical activity.
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