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My anti crisis program

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My anti-crisis program

This book - you will help in the most painful moments in trouble, in crisis. All of what I said above, we consider in detail. Learn how with the help of prayers and charms to build the very "foundation" upon which the life of a rich man.

Of course, if you suddenly fell off the trouble, if desperately needed money, or tormented by serious illness or threw a loved one, open up that part of the book, which deals with the material charms and prayers, and act. Relief will come, the money will appear, the problem will be solved. True, temporarily. Will the week, month, maybe even a year, and again you will be tortured into trouble. Therefore, I suggest still read the book from beginning to end and try to follow my advice. It is a pledge that has no crisis, though how many of them will not be able to inflict serious damage to you.

How is the book

In my book into two parts. The first collected special prayers and icons that will help us survive the disaster. Please note that I give not only prayers but also images of icons themselves! Of course, black and white picture in the book can not replace the icons painted with a special blessing, a man leading a righteous life. Indeed, some say that the hand icon painter leads God Himself. But it is the face that was captured on an icon, has enormous power. What would be different icon painters were not working on a picture, they all comply with the special canon, the face of light did not change. This is done because many of the icons appear on the earth miraculously - had been sent to us. They are not man-made and divine nature have. And these are the icons have a special healing power. That's right, only one image can already do wonders. Even if it is only in the book reprinted, force him out of it none the worse!

Anything can befall you - find yourself away from home, you can not find the icon next to, but sometimes there is no money to buy. What should I do? It was then that the icons in this book will help you. From your faith and fervent prayer they will miraculous.
The second part of the book will be devoted to conspiracies. The most light and sound plots, I collected, to give you the strength to endure crises and troubles.

And prayers, and charms in equal measure to help solve problems and drive out of trouble. It seems to me that if the prayer of the conspiracy go hand in hand, nothing bad will happen. On the contrary, the words just will support each other, your request to do more and more noticeable for the higher powers.
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