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My child is worse than others

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My child is worse than others

Sometimes parents think that children are friends and neighbors are more advanced, more independent. Sometimes it is doubtful the success of a child in math classes or drawing, in games with peers. Frightened by the prospect of schooling and the prospect of a hike to the experts. Parents start to think: " My child is worse than others . " How to prevent a problem? Start with yourself. Try to determine what causes your doubts. Do not rely on subjective opinion, ask other family members, caregivers.

If possible observe the actions of a child in a field that is causing your doubt, and certainly the whole of the activities of the child. Try to write down what you see. Go back to your original definitions and give yourself honest answer: it is a real problem in the child or the result of your gipertrevozhnosti? Often talk with teachers about the development prospects, particularly, the needs of the child. This will allow earlier "capture" the problem if it really is.

Remember that your child's emotional state is transferred faster than sound a word, and your lack of confidence may be his failure. Try to get rid of such sayings as "Do you not get," "You do not sumeesh. Replace them with constructive phrase: "You decided to wash the dishes? Fine. How do you begin? "," You're trying to build a tower of books, and it fell apart? Let's try now out of blocks. What you put first? "Never allow yourself and others to practice in the diagnosis of your child. All children develop at their own pace, on their traektorii.Esli you see that something is different from other children, find its strengths. Look at what can be corrected through the strong, successful party. Do not be afraid to visit a specialist if you need it.

The child has a bad character

To begin with remember his childhood. Your parents all liked you? What did they do? What do you feel? How do you feel about that? Think about it: if you do not repeat mistakes of your parents? Please proceed carefully, without disturbing the child, until we get into the reasons for his displeasure or anxiety. Think about exactly what features you do not like. Watch for your child - as in what situations they occur. It is quite possible that you have some sort of their actions provoke the child to negative symptoms. Try to look at the "not satisfied" features you otherwise. For example, the child is "stubborn, stubborn." Unless you are the cause of obstinacy, look at how these traits manifest themselves in voluntary activities in a child: is it possible, by adopting the decision, he must execute it, perhaps start a business, he takes it to the end, in spite of external interference (you demand that he immediately went to dinner). Is there not here, by contrast, even very positive traits?
"The flip side of the coin" may be such features that are very desirable, or even offset by other features of the child. For example, a child in the eyes of parents, very uncollected sloppy in their own things. A closer look at the child's behavior revealed a possible cause of these phenomena - a child's violent fantasy, it all the time something comes up, and disorder - a consequence of the developed imagination, to a greater extent than the direct inaccuracy. The most important thing. Try to see the best personality traits of her child. Be aware of their own significance and value. Give the opportunity to know and feel this child. Promotes the development of the strengths of character, it will give your child confidence, a desire to change for the better.
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