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My husband have a different

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My husband have a different

Betrayal, and broken up because of them families - rather frequent phenomenon. What should I do? So, you are in a panic. My husband beside it. You heard about this and since then staying in a light trance. You feel cheated, and in that moment you think that no longer will be nothing. And the most interesting that, indeed, may not be anything - neither good nor bad. Now the fate of your family - in your hands and you have to make a difficult choice: leave everything as is, and accept or fight for the preservation of the family.

If you decide to act, most importantly, not to make a "storming of the Winter." Anger - not the best assistant in building relationships. Of course, you can rush headlong into battle. But this folly is unlikely to benefit. Resist the urge to create a scandal difficult but possible and necessary. Especially if you will depend on the whole success of your business. Better yet keep yourself in the hands to control the situation. Use this information to their advantage, only to prepare for battle as it should. Knowledge - is power, and in this case especially. Secret information gives you the ability to take sophisticated action, while not revealing themselves. You can undermine an affair from the inside, if you use different methods.

If my husband there was another, about chen good effect can give a comparison of husband and this other. The main thing is to pick up the qualities on which it exceeds it. For example, education, origin or appearance. You have created an inferiority complex will play a role, and her husband will no longer feel comfortable in the presence of an object of adoration. Competition - an improper basis for love. If nothing works, and it still burns with passion, not hold it. Do not you think sometimes that you turn into a Cinderella, then someone has the opportunity to play the role of the princess? Add the same routine in a foreign holiday, and is likely to charm an opponent quickly diminish. Partner to release her and allow disillusion. Still be a wife on paper only humiliating and useless.
Some women are naive to believe that her husband would return as soon as feel, what harm is caused to its second half. This, of course, is not it. After all, if all was well, my husband would not find hobbies on the side. And if looking for something, most likely, he is deeply care about your feelings. Therefore, the sick, dying, and so probably useless. It is best to prove to man that he is personally hurt yourself. And to show how it hurts. Tell me what the gap will hurt career, prestige, reputation and social standing traitor. These arguments are more effective than any emotional lamentations.

If it continues you care, take all steps for the return. For a start change in your home all you can. As a result, the house should prevail is good and cheerful mood. Sometimes bad radically change the style of behavior and habits. If you lived as hermits, often try to invite friends or go to the guests themselves. Or vice versa. Maybe he needs a quiet marina? If he has a hobby, make sure that he could do it at home. Anyway, what - if only it were possible. But with all this, do not forget about self-esteem and their own personality - limp at all agree the woman does not need anyone.

Tune in to the self. Even if a life together with her husband will not get better, your confidence and commitment to attract a lot of potential mates. And remember - sometimes abnormal behavior and the ability not to hang up his nose in the most difficult situations can work wonders and a sense of humor more help than sobbing near shoe leaving her husband. If the crack in the relationship is too great, and you actually have left, try to distance himself for a time from each other, become for a while just neighbors. Just do not legendary neighbors in a communal apartment that and strive to spit in someone else's soup.

But if you do not have iron nerves, it is better not to practice living together, because it is not excluded the option that your neighbor one day lead to the house of his girlfriend and is happy that everything is so well formed. Although the overall interests of the house and may have a wonderful effect on the fading senses and recall the beginning of the marriage. Some people, especially men, it is difficult to give the word. They seem to be some kind of dull, trivial, does not reflect what I would say. You can resort to the epistolary genre, almost undeservedly forgotten. Write a love note! A little note with two words, or a postscript at the end of those notes, which we leave the house to each other. But it must be present the magic words "love" and "whole."

 Why? Yes, because according to statistics, those who do not forget to add to the valuable guidance of the word "love" and "whole", and actually making love and kissing more often doled showing people's feelings. Resuscitation of feelings can be done in several ways. Which of them prefer, take your pick. In any case, ask yourself the question: if I was ready to help partners in a critical situation? What will you do if your spouse loses his job or his life there is another equally serious problem? Throw yourself to help move away or towards? If you wish to help you does not arise, indeed, it is time to leave.

If you began to think that all the men around better than your chosen one, try to communicate more with those around you are men, but keep them at bay. And try to extract valuable information from interviews married girlfriends. I assure you that soon you will realize that we have done far worse choice. Unless, of course, will not lose interest in the male sex in general. But the best technique for reanimation of the spouses can become a campaign to shrink. A qualified specialist can give a really competent advice and to prescribe "individualized treatment" for your dying marriage. If your partner roads your marriage, he'll go with you, even though our country is still unfashionable.
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