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My shining image

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My shining image

I would like to offer you one method of creating a positive internal self-image. It is very simple - you need to learn how to present yourself be what you would like to become. However, do you know yourself what you want to become? If not, start listening to what makes it beat faster your heart. What attracts you in life? What qualities do you like in people? Surely you have a favorite literary hero, movie star, an outstanding personality ... What do you think why you chose this image? Because deep down you know that he is close to you, you have a similar quality. Remember: if you truly love a man, this is a signal to your higher self that you can be the same! Therefore, I strongly advise to find your ideal and often meditating, imagining that image. Over and over again presenting himself in this role, you will gradually be strengthened in the new representation of yourself, until it becomes for you a completely natural and real! Simple, is not it? And yet amazingly effective. Try it - and see for yourself! So, my shining image!

Meditation "Create a new image of the" I ""

For this meditation it is important to choose the time and place so that you avoid being disturbed. The best time - in the evening, before bedtime, when you already are lying in bed.

So sit back, relax, close your eyes, take some deep breaths. Release all cares and worries of the day, stop the cycle of thoughts. Imagine that your thoughts - light clouds in the bottomless space of divine silence. You just watch for their movement, and notice how they gradually dissolve and melt into the blue depths of silence. Great! You created the most fertile ground for the seeds of a new mental image.
Now imagine yourself be what you want to see. Imagine everything in minute detail: how great you look, how confident grasp of how to move, talk, smile, laugh. Try to make the picture as soon as more vivid and alive, feel it inside. Upright posture, melodic voice, his eyes shining, elegant costume jewelry or luxury - remember every detail of his appearance. Imagine that you are standing before a mirror and gently smiling at her reflection. What do you feel? Pleasure, joy, gratitude - live a, feel them.

Add to this magnificent picture of the last and most brilliant stroke. Maybe it will be a great car: your personal chauffeur respectfully offers you the door. Maybe this will be a high-society reception in the castle: a handsome prince courteously kiss your hand. And perhaps - who knows! - This will be the inauguration of the new Russian president, the first female president ... If these pictures seem to you too bold, remember that only you can limit its limitless possibilities. Finally, allow yourself to enjoy that to which you shall be your wise heart. Be bold in your dreams and desires, because they have that thin thread from which is woven a pattern of success on the canvas of our lives!

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