Mysterious Stranger
Twenty-first century has become the Internet age. Maybe that's why so many novels moved from real to virtual space? Good or bad? Prospectively, or hopeless? Of course, the novels in the networks offer a modern girl new horizons and perspectives of communication. For example, the Internet, we can calmly meet with men who are unlikely to be met in everyday life. For example, with foreigners or a native Muscovite, millionaires, or writers. The only problem is the same. Communicating on the network, it is extremely difficult to know whether the mysterious stranger, a millionaire or just a liar?
It is clear that we all want to appear to each other in the most favorable light. This law applies in real life and virtual. Communicating on the network, we put on his page are the best "otfotoshopennye" photos, write a witty sketch about yourself and your interests and look forward to when crazed with passion the fans start to bomb us messages. And when the correspondence is tied and we begin to recognize their Cavaliers closer, we go nowhere. Very difficult to evaluate the prospects of future relations, not seeing the interlocutor. And yet there are several ways to check the seriousness of the intentions of your boyfriend.
1.Predlozhi chat on the phone. If he asks your phone - this is encouraging, at least he's really a man. If you give your own - even better, then certainly a bachelor and is not afraid of what you call it home, and take up his wife.
2.If some information is communicated to the fan makes you doubt or suspicion, then you can start to question him in detail on this subject and keep track of how he would get out and respond. Liars are usually pierced by small details. Another way to directly say: "Is there something I can not believe you actually met with Putin." If you start to get out and heatedly argue the opposite is likely to lie.
3.Doveryay intuition. If a prospective virtual cavalier assigns you a date in real life, but do not you too want to go or something to stop, listen to a sixth sense.
4.I Finally, she can appoint him a meeting. Virtual communication is futile if one day it does not go into the real world. And there's as lucky ...
Blind date
Modern myths say that blind date - the lot is not too beautiful and desperate women. But we do not believe the questionable truths. Try to understand whether the gentleman found fifth-through tenth familiar blindly become your destiny. I'll start with the positives. Personally, I've been on a blind date. Not of hopelessness. Just out of curiosity. Must have sufficient gambling and the player character to risk to meet a man whose life had not seen and know about him only from the words of his friends.
Of course, your friends can not be one hundred percent know what you want and what the prince looking for. And yet sometimes they can really bring you a good candidate. It all depends on their motivation. Do not repeat common mistakes. Blind date almost surely will result in failure if you go at it with some kind of mission, a clear purpose. For example, if you are on the forehead is a running line: "I am looking for a husband, it is likely such a novel will end before it started. Blind date can turn into something promising, provided that you go at it just for fun. In our life, so little spontaneity and adventure. Blind date - it's like a casino game. Can you hit the jackpot, but you can have wasted time and money.
To get maximum enjoyment and chances for a pleasant evening (which may well turn into something more than just one night), you must pre-configured correctly. This is a gamble. Exactly, and portraying this meeting as a curious adventure. And what the result will be not so important ... Maybe you will find her boyfriend, maybe a potential husband, and maybe just a friend. Last, you must agree, too, not bad at all. Not for nothing they say: Do not have a hundred rubles, a hundred friends. Maybe the problem with most modern women is that they are struggling looking for potential lovers, and all men see only in this capacity. Maybe it's time to broaden the scope of communication?