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Mysterious magic

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Mysterious magic

Since ancient times people believed in otherworldly forces, one of the manifestations of such forces was magic. The magic has attracted people with its mystery and power. In the tribal art of magic possessed shamans and priests, many ancient manuscripts describe the mysterious phenomena caused by sorcerers. In our time, the magic tried to consider from a scientific point of view and a great many phenomena, which people thought was a manifestation of magical powers, found the evidence-based explanations. But scientists are not all able to explain and sort through, the magic still fascinates and surprises. Each person decides for himself, believing him in magic or not, but I do not think anyone would deny that there are many indirect evidence for the existence of supernatural forces and magical phenomena that can not explain, none of the existing sciences.

Magic, as a means to an end
These days, practical magic lessons were very popular, "in vogue" so to speak. Internet is replete with esoteric resources, shopping magical attributes, schools of magic, etc. People tend to look for simple ways to achieve their goals, and magic as many believe, is one of the easiest ways. But we should not delude ourselves, not so simple. The real magic - it's not an easy path for most of us, simply irresistible.

In order to get 100% result of the conspiracy, for example, is not enough just with the expression in his voice to read it and make some ritual! Magic is a serious art, you must have a certain gift, to dealing with it, that's why the real professionals, which units are committed to this all his life.

Magic candles

We will not delve into the complex magic rituals and spells, the purpose of this article, consider one of the most affordable, effective and simple way to achieve the desired by magic. Candle magic is related to one of the simplest of magical arts, the simplicity of it is that the ritual is used just a few ceremonial artifacts, and any special skills or preparation is needed. If you want to get a good result you should observe a few rules. First, the candle should be new, you can not use a candle, which you, for example, lit as night light. Vibration is the use of candles can interfere with your ritual.

Secondly, the candles should not be too fanciful with various ornaments, huge, etc. It operates by a rule, the simpler the better. Third, if you're a candle manufacturers' themselves, or carve it on some pictures, the effect of such a candle would be more effective as a candle is impregnated with your own personal vibrations, but the very act of creating your own candle is magically potent. So, in your hands the candle that you have purchased or made for certain ritual ...

Prepare a candle to the ritual

To prepare the candles used oils, are commonly used essential oils, natural is best. Candle necessarily oiled before the ritual, it is done in order to establish a psychic connection between the candles and the magician. After all, when you're rubbing a candle oils, you touch it, and recharge their personal vibrations and also concentrating its desire, mentally transferring it on wax. To rub, starting from the top to a point in the middle. Lubricating must always in one direction. The process is then repeated, starting from the bottom to the middle of the candle.

When should you begin the ritual

Before going to a magic ritual with a candle, be sure to explore the moon phase. Most effective magic rituals in the period from New Moon to Full Moon, and - this is the period when the moon is rising. The fact is that at this time cosmic or astral energy increases and this is advantageous in that if you want to bring something for yourself ... money, power, new job, lover, pop or something else. But the period from full moon until the next new moon is best for banishing spells - if you want something gone from your life, bad things, people, some kind of relationship, etc.

Colors of candles

Candles that you intend to use must be painted according to the magic of compliance:

WHITE - a versatile candle, as it can be used for any good purpose. If in doubt what exactly is better to use color - use white candles. White candle can be used as "helper" to strengthen the influence of the other candles. Only the white candle represents peace, purity, and communication with angels and God ...

BLACK - a symbol of night, death, sin and all negative. With a black candle, you must be extremely careful, these candles are often associated with rituals and negative energies, but they are also used for protection. If you feel sabotage, threats, negative manifestations in your life - light the black candle, and while it burns, visualize how all the bad things in your life burns in the fire of the candles.

BROWN - this candle will help those who suffer from low self-esteem, people are lonely, withdrawn and lost faith in good.

RED - used to attract love, passion, interesting acquaintances, etc., to light a candle to be a growing moon. If you use a red candle in the period of decrease of the moon, you can ward off an opponent (zu), but it must be remembered that such magical manipulations can reflect badly on your karma.

ORANGE - this is love, joy, luck, energy, etc.

GREEN - a candle will improve your well-being, as well as bring stability to the work. And if you take two candles - one black and the second green, and light them on the waning moon - they will help eliminate the financial obstacles in your way.

YELLOW - the color of the spiritual and material wealth, it will help make the right decision, so this should light a candle when you are confused. Also, this candle brings joy and surprises in your life.

Pink - the color of love, faith and compassion, light the pink candle, if you want to find a balance in the relationship and harmony as a whole. As well as a yellow candle pink brings joy and pleasant changes. Orange, pink, and yellow candles can be lit together.

SINIY - this candle will help you in difficult situations to find the right exit. It also is useful to light when you feel the negative impact of other people.

Purple - if you think that you are not in place, life has lost meaning, everyone was in black and white - light up this candle, and you will once again be able to distinguish all the colors of life!

VIOLET - when you need to find answers within themselves, to apply to the Higher Self - shine on this particular candle. It will help you make the right decision, because purple enhances intuitive abilities.

Getting to the ritual

Write your wish on a piece of paper, it is preferable that the paper was colored the same color as the candle. Ideally, the need to write to the magical alphabet of Enoch, but since he is not much available, you can write and the Cyrillic alphabet. You can ask about a new acquaintance, recovery, close, change of residence, etc. - Mentally you have to submit what are asking for. If you are asking about the new romantic acquaintance imagine my darling, where you'll learn how to pass your meeting, etc.

Once you've written down your request, mentally she was introduced, gently roll the paper into a tube. Bring the end of a rolled paper in the flame of a candle, the paper starts to burn, but you will once again focus on what was asked. Burning paper can be put on a plate until it is completely will burn down. Develop ashes to the wind.

After that, let the candle will burn down completely, it does not mean that you should stay close to a candle, because as soon as the burned paper - the ritual is complete. So you can safely go about their business until the candle will burn out. The candle is used in a ritual one single time.

In its spark a long and interesting history. In religious cults, and magic they have lighted the way to the sanctuary, in front of them retreating forces of darkness, they are connected with the kingdom of the dead, and they play a role in achieving the dream. Believe in what you think and ask and you will surely achieve the desired! 
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