The myths about age crises in adults.
Or - there is no happiness in the life of a slacker.
Age crises - a theoretical concept that refers to the transition to the age development of a new qualitative stage specific. In children, it can be shown stubbornness, disobedience, aggression. True, children do not call it a crisis, and adults have come up with such a name is relatively recent. Although it could be called - a transitional stage of development. Well, just do not like the adult child's behavior, let it be - a crisis. But here is it true that in life there is such a reality - age crisis in an adult? I propose to understand.
Translated from the Greek language, the crisis - a decision, a turning point. So different, researchers led his periodization of the most important turning points in human life. I'm not lazy, and put the pieces together, it turned out that nearly every year happen crisis. Gail Sheehy argues that they occur once every seven years, the textbooks of psychology you will find:
Newborn (1-10 days);
infants (10 days - 1 year);
early childhood (1-3 years);
first childhood (4-7 years);
second childhood (8-12 years);
adolescence (13-16 years);
adolescence (17-21 years);
mature age (first period: 22-35 years - male, 21-35 years - female;
Second period: 36-60 years - male, 36-55 years - female);
advanced age (61-74 years - male, 56-74 years - female);
old age (75-90 years old - men and women);
oldest old (90 years and older).
The most interesting is that each period is justified, whether the change of social environment, or physiological development, can be defined by events: marriage, divorce, childbirth, termination of employment, etc.
Moreover, if everyone looks at his life, the crisis will find, will insist on the objectivity of their origin, to explain their failures - a turning point in my life.
Let's see the other side and from afar.
In primitive society of the crises did not know. The main task was to survive, multiply, to feed themselves. Brought to the hunting of mammoth good month eat. Returned for lack of prey that a crisis? No - to find food. Released not survive once the law is simple find prey - has survived not found - dead. What crisis?
Interestingly, Socrates, Aristotle, Seneca, Epictetus, were age crises? They had not yet been invented, so it was not. Difficulties were difficult life situations also occurred, they are tempered and will strengthen the spirit. But at a certain Ivan Ivanovitch in 40 years could happen crisis. Why? But he already knows and has been prepared, in this age, something must happen. The more he remembers, as it did in 30 years. That Ivan Ivanovich I know - it slacker. He did not know why live, what is the meaning of his existence, in the morning wakes up, eats a sandwich, goes to work, there are bored at home doing nothing, there comes a night - to sleep. There is speculation that this character had fallen asleep long ago, he is not living - sleeping. Like a flower in the hole moves from one side to the other and until some time not drowning. It is windy and cold waves are small, it becomes uncomfortable - it's a crisis, then everything settles down and the drift continues.
A character you know?
Is it true that in nature there are these crises? For example, a birch, a hamster, a bear? Or just a wise man guessed himself to invent them?
You just try to take away the myth of a man suffering mentally crisis. You be accused of callousness, misunderstanding, ignorance, since all educated people know - the crisis of the age is! And the person experiencing it may be, for example, not to put debris at home raise your voice, do silly things, throw the work honestly depict the sad face, even seriously ill, to prove the truth of crisis. Now there's all the explanation and the council address the matter, not at all attractive. In the suffering of many secondary benefits, in the creation, operation, development, many difficulties. Guess that will choose a slacker? That's right, his choice of the crisis age, and the more the better.
Nobel laureate Albert Schweitzer, slept for three hours, he lowered his feet into cold water to cheer up, because I thought that should work to finish his work "Reverence for life" and continue to treat the countless patients Africans whose lives depended from Albert Schweitzer. He was not before the age crisis, he knew their mission, loved his work and the difficulties perceived as a natural phenomenon that accompanies a bright and interesting lives. And how do you live?
A parable about the crisis and the meaning of life.
Once, on my way home, met a wise man who was so saddened that bypassing on the way the sage, he accidentally touched her shoulder. That, in turn, calmly and politely, asked him a question:
- Tell me, honorable man, why are you so sad that nothing you do not notice on your way?
- Excuse me, - said the man did not slow down the pace, - I am sad because my age crisis, lost the meaning of life and experience, I can not do anything, I'll be looking until my goal is not reached.
- Well, - said a wise teacher - I've heard about a man whose crises have occurred frequently, and he could not find the meaning of life.
- Hopefully, the truth revealed to him? - Curiously eager companion.
- Yes, he died enlightened, having had time to whisper those who were near what is understood only when dying, said the sage.
- And what did he say?
- He said that the meaning of life is a choice ...
- Well thanks you for the conversation - said the man, bowed, sage and almost run continued on his way.
- ... The choice, either live without a crisis, or a lifetime spent on the experience and the quest of this very point - finished the sage, but his words were already in the void. Random companion had gone too far. He was in a hurry, because he - a crisis.