Myths about training men to domestic duties
It's no secret that in the minds of most of the fair sex there is ingrained stereotypes associated with the fact that representatives of the male species can not be accustom to perform even the simplest of household chores. Well, except for rare exceptions, these exceptions to the most little known. So I want to say at once: it is a delusion, and it is very harmful and fraught with dangerous consequences. I foresee your indignant protests, dear lady home "pets", but according to statistics, only one of four representatives of the male species can not tolerate and do any housework.
Agree that this proportion can not bring you to the darkest thoughts, and, conversely, opens a very encouraging prospect. In the end, three out of four two-legged "pets" are potentially capable of doing household chores, and even find pleasure in this. So why are examples of pets to help its charming hostesses in the house, so rare that they cause only a sad sigh and stealthily dashing the tears of regret?
The fact that many housewives, desperate from the very beginning to train his "pet" at least for an attribute in the kitchen dirty dishes (on how to put dishes in the sink, even out of the question!), Right shoulder all the economic worries on their fragile shoulders. And then another and wonder resent fly into a rage, shed tears, in short, to show the whole gamut of emotions on this issue. But if a good deal around the blame for something going on in themselves, or rather, false beliefs, firmly entrenched in their heads! So, let's scatter myths about training men to domestic duties.
Representatives of the male species sure to take advantage of any indulgence granted. However, in fairness it is worth noting that the property is inherent in us all, and this is especially psychology. Returning to the subject of our conversation, I assure you, dear women, that teach their two-legged pet to perform household duties with proper training, as they say, is not only possible but also necessary. The second error associated with the preparation of the representatives of the male species to perform the duties at home, is that all domestic activities - washing floors, wipe the dust from the china figurines, cooking dinner - are perceived as nemuzhskie.
It seems that these activities demean the dignity of man, deprived of two-legged pets manhood, and generally dropping them in their own eyes, and at the same time and in the eyes of the fair sex. Of course, nobody calls you to bring the matter to such an absurdity as a starched apron, flower color, but at the same time, we should not think that helping with the housework is a job, unworthy of this macho. By the way, a classic example of this macho - not very attractive type of male species. Similarly, representatives of the male species really is humiliating to get their socks up a laundry basket, much more worthy to keep them in the middle of the room for everyone to see. Encourage your child to help you in the form of home activities where his masculine strength. Harness it to the labor-intensive work, such as, for example, washing the floors (a bucket of water - a thing quite heavy), hanging laundry (wet sheets and towels - is not the easiest thing in the world), garbage pickup and other activities on the list.
The third myth is also extremely harmful, stems from a deep conviction of the beautiful half of humanity that no representative of the male species are not able to qualitatively and without major damage and disasters to help his mistress in the house. And it's better he did not trust, than to gather around the home splinters, shards, land of flower pots, indoor plants themselves, alas, forced temporarily into another world, as well as to raise the floor svezhevystirannye pillowcases, more recently, the boil-and-white, but now painted with the very ground from the pot with your favorite begonia. So what do you do? First of all, we must reassure ourselves, and along with it, if it is misleading in his mind, that the representatives of the male species reportedly did not initially capable of doing household chores. All the above are the horrors of a great exaggeration, in real life to such disastrous consequences, as a rule, do not get it. In addition, no one calls you to let her "pet" in the free swimming team "Take away the whole apartment." No, it is necessary vigilant and at the same time unobtrusive control at all stages of their assignments.
So, you understand that the thesis of a categorical inability to breed male representatives to carry out any whatsoever homework - it is a myth. And here's how to do if your home "pet" had not yet realized? It is necessary to understand the reason: perhaps he's really afraid of their actions cause your disapproval or maybe just found a convenient excuse to avoid participation in household duties. In any case I recommend you try the two methods by which it is possible to correct the situation. First, try to calmly talk to his two-legged "pet" on the subject. Ask him why he thinks can not cope with some household chores. Really rational explanation for this he can not find, because it has available the legs, arms, head and eyes and ears. And if you do not have good reasons, then a consequence of - the fear involved in domestic work - is no longer itself.
The second method is to offer your home next beast on two legs to do anything from simple household chores, for example, rinse the cup from the tea. When he is successful, the arguments against participation in the care of his mistress in the house he just will not. Of course, one should not assume that your pet never produced such manipulations. Just when he had a favorite mistress, he wished to pass unnoticed all the economic troubles on her shoulders, but it does not work. But unsure of their abilities legged "pet" these simple techniques perked up and even inspiring in his optimism and enthusiasm.
Myth Four is also very common: the representative of the male species are not forced into domestic work, because he sees no sense in it. Man, they say, anyway, clean the floors in the house or not, he could easily lie down on the cluttered couch and eat from unwashed dishes. Two-legged pets, not all the same, in which the sanitary condition of the territory of their residence. And most importantly, they are far from indifferent, whose name is diligence and efforts of this state is maintained. Consequently, the representatives of the male species has an incentive to maintain cleanliness in their own nest, much as they are prone to this - the question correct and sound training.
Myth Five is that if you owned two-legged pet getting the housework, it quickly tired of him and he will think about changing the hostess. Representatives of the male species in general do not like when they are forced or coerced into something and do not suffer when they kicked around. But tactfully persuade his "pet" to assist you at home is quite realistic, and his loss will not threaten. Of course, you should not take on his man all the housework: it is certainly no representative of the male species do not survive and did not survive! Still, you - a woman, and most of the homework must be on you. However, the main thing - to create with your pet, this impression, but there already allocates responsibilities at home as you like.