Natal astrology promises
It is also important that the promises natal chart. Most of what happens to us in life, has already clearly stated in our natal promises.
Think about why clients seek the advice of astrologers. Most customers want to know about love and marriage, career, business, money, health and children. The task of the astrologer to determine the human capabilities in each of these aspects. Then an astrologer to determine will be whether, and if one appears, then when exactly, an incentive that will help realize the potency. But you should first determine the potency of the natal chart.
Promises a natal chart marital union? Denotes whether her divorce? Many people ask such questions. Perhaps people want to marry. Perhaps they want a divorce. However, if such inducement is not on their map, this should not happen. Other customers may want to know about the possibility of success, fame or big money. None of this would be if the natal chart is no promise of success.
Dominant Jupiter, the effect of strong Sagittarius, or the power of the fifth house is a testament to the natal promises of happiness. Often customers want to know the auspicious days to purchase lottery tickets or playing games of chance. If they have to natal charts is not indicated such a potential, there is nothing they will not work. However, if they really lucky card, a good astrologer, of course, will tell them, when they are lucky.