Neither fish nor meat
When we call human weakness, we do not mean that it lacks character. It just can not be. So we call people with dim character. In such cases we are talking about a person: "neither one thing nor the other", "neither in Bogdan, nor in the village Selifan," " neither fish nor fowl . " Communicating with such people, we often encounter apathy, unemotional, indifferent to what is happening around, passive and reactive to our interlocutor. Coming into contact with such people, we can succumb to the influence of some of their lack of character. Therefore, in dealing with people with weak character should be very careful.
For example, your colleague or close friend do not have the striking features of the character, at first glance may seem uninteresting personalities. But this is usually a misconception. Communicating with them, you have to dig out the punch line, which they possess, to help them discover their own talents, realize what they have is soul. Such people are not disclosed to all and not immediately. They need a special approach. It all begins with trust. You will be able to win such a man, if you show him a little more attention than others. Do not immediately jump directly to a person unfamiliar with interrogation about his hobbies - so you can frighten him. Start by talking about the weather, rise in price travel on public transport - just talk to him on the most neutral topic.

Wait until you get used to will treat you as quite a friendly conversation. And only then can proceed to discuss topics of personal interest. Gradually gaining momentum: from conversations on the themes of family, hobbies, favorite foods can move on to inquiries about his personal life, problems and difficulties of life. So you can know a person well enough to have the opportunity to make friends with him. Such people tend to have a very rich inner world, they are good reading and love a good film and theater. Their problem is that they are relatively closed to the public, are not able to fully manifest themselves from an emotional point of view, can not reveal. But if you manage to pick up poop key, you can find in his face, very literate, educated and quite an interesting conversation.