Network Marketing
Each person probably had at least once in one degree or another to deal with this kind of private business, like network marketing . Someone working in network marketing absolutely does not fit, but for someone is a way to earn a living or a substantial additional income. So, what do you need to know first if you decide to engage in network marketing, what skills you need to buy? Of great importance to work in network marketing has the ability to speak, that is, right to negotiate, including by telephone, the ability to understand, politely and succinctly express the essence. This also means that people with significant speech disabilities do not want to work in network marketing, as in this case, the interviewee will pay attention to annoying or amused by a speech and not on the meaning of the phrases on the excellent qualities and virtues of a product.
Assume that you have not observed obvious defects of speech. But this is not sufficient for successful distribution of goods. And even if you can every day to chat on the phone with friends for a few hours, it is no guarantee that you can just as easily lead and business telephone calls. Ability to conduct business phone calls requires certain skills. Therefore, recruiters network marketing are usually the first place among the necessary requirements for applicants, put communication in general and the experience of conducting telephone calls in particular. How can you learn how to conduct telephone and other conversations? Even if you perfectly understands all nuances of those products are working with, and potentially willing to answer any question buddy, you need to give the impression of a serious man, which is especially important during a telephone conversation.
He pro-
By the way, what is the difference between a professional speaker from an amateur? There are two levels of performance: the lower (bumbling, amateur, amateurish) and upper (professional, experienced, reference). Of course, you want to be at the top level. In that case, look at a few things that distinguish a professional from the amateur.
1.Professional focused on the listener, it evaluates its success not by what and how he said, and by the way his words, we are working on the listener, what and how to understand, accept listener. Amateur focused only on himself.
2.Professional skillfully divides attention between themselves and the listener, as it traces the feedback. He knows how to pick up certain signals are received from listeners. Even if the other person listens carefully, much can be understood by his facial expressions, gestures, posture. Professional decodes these signals promptly respond to them, reconstructed on the fly, without interrupting the speech. He also corrects my speech, if the remarks at the interlocutor moments of fatigue, it is unclear boredom. Dabbler so deepened in itself, that does not perceive the signals coming from the listener.
3.Professional admits that in thinking of different people, there are differences, it is flexible with people, receptive to their objections and doubts. Amateur naively believes that all people think the same way as him, and said focusing solely on their performance.
4.Professional tolerant of the opinions, attitudes, ideas and suggestions of others, he knows that he must recognize and understand the natural differences between people and the peculiarities of their perceptions and thinking. Amateur intolerant of people and their positions are too critical.
5.Professional tries to find and awaken in a person primarily positive. Amateur notes in humans only negative, he was dissatisfied, irritable, belittles the ability of people.
6.Professional relates to their strengths to repeat information as necessary to be able to repeat the main thing, while getting rid of the entire secondary. Amateur afraid to repeat what has already been said.
7.Professional dissatisfied with himself, not the listener after a failed performance. He is looking for a cause of failure. Dabbler in this case, dissatisfied students.
Having acquired these highlights, you will increase your chances of successful business conversations that will bear positive results for you. Read the relevant literature on business etiquette. Thoroughly prepare for your first phone call. Consider everything in advance. Prepare a paper, pen, calendar-weekly. This will help you quickly navigate during a conversation in their own plans. Think about it, you'll say and how you build your conversation. Particular attention is to send something to start and what to say in conclusion, because it is best remembered these words. Be sure to start your conversation with a greeting and immediately imagine. You are thus immediately set up the companion to the business contact. Contains the substance of the case clearly, clearly and consistently. It is better to first write a brief (in the form of abstracts) alleged conversation points to nothing to forget, and during the conversation to enjoy the plan.
Do not interrupt the interlocutor, or at least apologize, that forced him to interrupt. Do not tighten unnecessarily conversation, do not say a lot of extra words to your partner is not tired of your excessive talkativeness and perseverance. Try not to let the initiative out of their hands, but do not push on the speaker. And certainly do everything possible to get concrete results of your call, ie schedule an appointment, call the next or some other plans. Warn your buddy that on the eve of a meeting you do control call. But the most important questions to keep the discussion in person. During a telephone conversation and try to take into account possible sensitivities.
For various reasons the other party is not always convenient to talk now. If you can guess about this in his intonation, reticence or unnecessary restraint, ask directly if he could say right now or you'd better move the conversation for another time. After several conversations take a look at the situation and check it out. Think about the phone calls were unnecessary, some of them could be shorter or effectiveness. There is nothing worse than useless phone calls, while an interview can cost you a contract or a new distributor-hitter. So try to take into account all the above points and observations to reduce the number of useless calls to a minimum. Do not forget that the network marketing - a private business, why not discuss over the phone closed to outsiders, commercial, financial and other affairs of the inner life of the company.