Neurological problems in children
Neurological problems in young child can not be regarded as a neurological disease and treat the purely medical methods. Efforts of an interdisciplinary team of specialists can make individual correctional program, which allows a rational combination of coaching exercises with drugs and achieve a much greater effect. Prescription drugs as a prophylactic measure is also not justified.
In the case backlog or delays in mental development of various clinical practice using the so-called stimulants - drugs globally and in most cases, very non-directional. Medical specialists diagnosed rejection of watching the distorted forms of activity of the child (behavior, cognition, etc.). Now we have already found ways to highlight the level of mental process in which there was a "failure", and then repeat unit working on that, you can optimize the functioning of the mental process and mental processes of the whole child. The degree of normalization will depend on the depth and nature of the deviations of the individual child.
There is a considerable amount of psychological and educational ways to stimulate the development of mental processes (movement, dance, music, rhythm, smell, etc.), and the impact of such stimulants is very significant. Great therapeutic possibilities of using rhythms. Rhythmically organized situation helps the child to adapt to difficult conditions for him. Visible results can achieve a special therapeutic environment: the rhythmic organization of time and space, repetition of events - regular attendance on certain days, certain sequence of classes that is repeated from time to time, a clear, repeated each time the structure of each session and day.
Sensory stimulation
Heat and cold, pleasant and unpleasant sensations of touch and pain, their own changing stress during movement can be felt skin. Stimulation of cutaneous sensitivity awakens a sense of his own body, which will be the basis for the formation of the body scheme for motor coordination task, establishing contact with movements. We give the exercises, which use the available products (cereals, beans, etc.) as an example of the nature of exposure. Similar effects can be achieved in other ways. You can use any non-hazardous materials, such as gravel, chippings, pebbles, sand, gravel, etc.
1. Sensory stimulation of hands
a) pour into the basin buckwheat (it's pretty big and splitting to the touch) and, together with a child running into the basin hands to touch her, to hide in her hands, to pour out of hand to hand, hiding in her small objects (shells, small toys etc.) and, turning over the rump, to find them, hands to pour cereal in a bottle.
After a few classes need to change the material: for example, begin to play the same way with fine sand, beans, rice, pasta, etc.
b) It is very useful to play with water several times during the occupation by changing its temperature, so that his hands felt the cold, then warm water;
a) Good paint with gouache, but not with a brush, and hands. It is important not drawing, and sensations of hands. So you can simply paint over the paint the entire sheet or leave marks on paper hands. During the exercises, like a ball, and besmirch the child paint the outside of the hands. When the paint on the outside of the hands withered, it is important to pay attention to this child: to consider the hand, discuss with your child to feel.
During such games necessarily need to comment on their feelings (like feeling on the spot the child), then the child will not help to compare your feelings with her and remember.
d) It is very useful to play with clay. If the child does not know how to sculpt, you can slap on a cake of clay with his hands, fingers, make holes in it, etc. It is important to stain the hands of clay, to touch her. When the clay begins to dry out, consider instead of the hand, tell me what you feel, and then together go to wash them (again, making water is warm, then cold).
e) Assemble a collection of balls (the best small-sized tennis) with different surface texture. For example, a tennis ball (hairy), rubber (smooth) can be done by the balls of different materials: fur, woven from coarse wool and leather. Good as a rubber ball, covered with pimples. It is desirable that the balls were of different weights (you can fill homemade cotton, sand, lead shot, etc.).
Very helpful These balls touch, to touch, throw, roll each other. And be sure to discuss what the ball: hard, smooth, rough, furry, etc.
2. Sensory stimulation of the feet
a) The first step is to begin to walk barefoot at home and in the classroom with a teacher. During the game the way a child should fall on the texture of different surfaces: carpet, bare floor, rubber massage pad, plastic film, fabric - anything that comes to mind. This will greatly enrich the palette sensations of the child;
b) In a plastic bowl with a flat bottom (or on a sheet of plywood, which at the edges of slats nailed-bumpers) pour buckwheat and trample on her bare feet. In the next lesson sprinkled rice, beans, pasta - it gives a very strong feeling;
c) Feet useful color paint (gouache better) or clay, to consider and discuss the possible impact of experience with this. The same can be done with the rest of the body (back, chest), for example, in the bathroom before bathing;
d) You can come up with a story about feet and telling her legs pinch from time to time, roll on his bump (fir, cedar, pine). Since cones are generally very helpful to play: take them in hand, poking the child by the collar of his shirt. It is important that all these games were held in mutual satisfaction and in terms of the child did not look like occupation, and were similar to the antics.
3. Sensory stimulation smells
If a child is poorly responsive to smells, it is better to start with a strong odors (eg, cologne, nail polish, vinegar, etc.). Be sure to watch the facial expressions of the child: as soon as he reacted to the odor, immediately remove the source of the smell and depending on the child's facial expressions comment on his experience. When the reaction to the sharp smell appears without delay, proceed to the weaker and more pleasant smell. Be sure to tell a child that's the way it smells: soap, wax candles, flowers, etc.
Later you can play with the smells of the "guessing game": the child closes his eyes, you give him something to sniff, and he should guess that it smelled (to name or show the subject). And so on Non-drug stimulation in the rehabilitative activities is an instrument of subtle and differential impact on the mental development of children. Depending on the individual child, from his state at the moment, this kind of exposure can have both positive and negative effects. For example, the perception of odors can calm the child, and perhaps exciting. Rhythmic exercises, which usually helps to organize behavior in some children may cause convulsive state.
Often believe that around a small child to maintain a sterile environment: do not let him on the floor should give him only those toys that are easy to clean, long enough after his birth can not receive visitors and to visit with him at a party, "not to infect." The stronger the "sick" child, the greater the sterility and isolation is maintained in the family. It should be emphasized: for the baby world should be as open as it is for adults, only more brilliant and varied. Especially for children with developmental disabilities.