Never force a child is, if he does not want
Our parents and now grandparents, had experienced hunger during the war years. Or post-war, no less hungry time. You certainly have heard from older words: We were hungry, so let at least our children and grandchildren naedyatsya. Sometimes it seems that they are trying to cram in the children and grandchildren of food in reserve - so strong in the memory of the fear of hunger. One can understand and present mothers, who remember the covenant parents, do not let children from the table until they doedyat every last crumb - at any price. With songs, rhymes, jokes, yes baby jam in the next portion, and after dinner he comes out, but with difficulty creeps out from behind his desk. It seems that so much information all around about the dangers of eating too much, why are still parents stuff their offspring?
What causes binge eating?
Ever since I can remember, I always forced to eat. So, my two and a half years, I'm sitting at a table in splendid isolation, because everything has already eaten and gone, but I still just can not finish eating the meat from the soup. I'm trying to eat it so as not to feel the taste, otherwise I just throw up. As an adult, I wondered, do so is all the children. No, not all. But among my friends many who remembered the same history. For example, I said that I did not get up from the table, until all doem. The word "lunch" sounded to me like a death sentence. I walked to the table, as doomed. I was obedient, trained child. All relatives have told me: "What is thin! People think that we will not feed! "My parents were children of war, and they had to starve. Now they are overweight. They would not like to see my brother and I, too, were starving. And we will not starve.

When I gave birth to a girl, we had the same problem. When she was four or five years, she did not have any favorite dishes. I thought I could go all day, but it did not come to mind, that we should eat. And I repeat my parents. Unconsciously repeating. "Shook up" I have one friend. He was an Austrian engineer, we were familiar from the work. Once we started talking about our children. I complained that my daughter suffers from very poor appetite and I have to force her to eat. Gunter looked at me very seriously and said the following: Irina, never force your child is, if he does not want . How much time do you spend on it to push it a meal, the same then he, an adult will have to spend on something to get rid of excess weight. Forcing a child to say, you condemn him to eternal torment struggle with the fullness and its consequences.
For me it was a shock. Or a breath of fresh air after the heat. Well, exactly, all converge. I still do not understand why I have always overweight - then five, then all ten kilograms. I no long no forces there, but the habit of overeating, planted in childhood and sitting in my subconscious, reliably provides me with "emergency supply". I stopped in their zeal. But my daughter live with my parents ... In short, now she is thirteen years old, forcing her to eat no longer needed. Predisposition to the completeness explicit.
Do not want - do not eat!
For many, this phrase may seem frightening, dangerous. Like this - "do not eat"? Is the child himself may think, when and how much it is? Maybe. Savvy. And stomach tells him the best time to eat. The best guide in choosing time for meals - what the child: Mom, let's eat! Allow him to decide when, what and how much to eat. If you sit at the table as a family and the child refuses to eat, he's just not hungry. Do not make it. He willingly swallow whatever you have to offer, the next meal. Of course, if you do not begin to interrupt his appetite, for fear that a few hours before dinner, he would die from exhaustion.