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Never give up

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Never give up

Once Petrosyan screen cast: "All the women - fools all men - bastards, happiness at work." It is known that in every joke there is truth. O happiness at work, do not think anyone will argue. It's really happy when their work gets a person happy. And these people a lot. Many people work - the only outlet where people feel "in place" the necessary people. Sometimes life puts us on the shoulder. It seems that there is no strength to go farther. But we must believe that after the fall is bound to rise, and never give up. Remember the parable about two frogs who fell into Krynki with sour cream? One folded her legs and drowned, while others continue to struggle. It pulled its legs are struggling and as a result, sour cream turned into butter and the frog safely get out of this very predicament. Morality is simple - you never give up !

Where does the success?

Millions of people dream of becoming stars. But realistically, they are few. Why? What are the ingredients for success? And anyway, what is success? In modern society there is a perception that this is money and high social position. But is it enough to have a big bank account and take a responsible position at work? Successful if the person nazhivshy to 40 years in the ulcer, had a heart attack, but suffers from a lack of money? Do the same success for different people? What successful in your map of reality can be considered an absolute collapse in the map of reality to your neighbor and even your relatives. And do not let that confuse you. My husband's grandfather, who lived to almost ninety years, at each meeting asked me:
-Where do you work?

-Grandpa, I'm a writer.

With this all-clear. And where are you working?

-I have the book. Six of last year. According to my plays were staged performances ...

-At work you have to go?

-I spend training, consulting ...

-Oh, - sad sighs grandfather .- Hairdresser - this is understandable, the seller - is the work of an accountant - is a profession. A writer, journalist ... ... psychologist ... What is it? Well at least not an actress!

In the map of reality grandfather I - successful tuneyadka, a parasite on the body of a simple proletarian people. But in his map of reality, I - a successful person. After all I was doing what he likes. I have a flexible schedule, which I install myself. I - my favorite boss, with whom we can always negotiate. My friend, inviting me to the girl sitting, for the premiere of the theater, on a trip, often hear: "Sorry, girls, I'm busy." And then I hear in response: "Will you take time off from Diana, it is - a good boss. She let go. " Thus, success includes harmony in various spheres of life (health, happy family, creative self-realization, peace of mind). But the specifics of modern life is such that the most significant indicator of success is still a successful career.

A model of success


2.Uverennost in itself.

3.Samostoyatelnost and willingness to take responsibility for themselves. Creativity. Courage. Ability to take risks and, equally importantly, to calculate the risks.

4.Umenie think strategically. It is important to understand what consequences your actions may have not only tomorrow, but ten years later, feel the general trends of life in general.

5.Stremlenie expand their capabilities, beliefs, map of reality. Ability to be flexible.

6.Vnimatelnoe attitude towards their health. Excellent physical shape helps preserve freshness and sharpness of mind perception.

7.Tvorchesky approach to all! Ability to independently set ourselves and others creative problems and solve them. Search for unique solutions.

Rules of survival in the workplace

Impression of a successful, hardworking, creative, in short, the ideal employee - is to be them! Simple but effective rules will help you communicate with colleagues, business partners and customers. Observing them, you keep your health, save time and nerves and will achieve in his career, all that is conceived! In the new job you always want to make a good impression. On you will certainly make findings of fact, as you begin to equip the workplace.

1.If you were in a room where a lot of shelving and cabinets with the documentation, please review these deposits and dispose of outdated and unnecessary. Only necessary in this case, consult with colleagues. Usually enough trash everywhere, so you will only be grateful for the initiative.

2.K same cluttered cupboards and shelves behind the new employee - not the best backdrop in the eyes of his superiors. It is perceived as the inability to perceive new and certainly limits your professional growth.

3.Chtoby bright sunlight or, conversely, its absence does not interfere with work, resolve the issue with shutters or more lamps, avoiding the immediate superior. Usually those who are obliged to engage in such detail of it, this is not very fond of. Therefore, to solve the problem better engage colleagues, focusing on what prevents everything.

4.A here all the other missing parts (a beautiful calendar, a pot with a cactus, a family photo), you must discreetly set on the desktop, without distracting colleagues from work.

Rules of business wardrobe

On clothes meet and evaluate. Keep this in mind, choosing a wardrobe for a return to work.

1.If you want to make a good impression on colleagues, started a new activity, try as little as possible to stand out. Externally, no different than any other staff - log in with them in a visual rapport, adjust for the corporate culture.

2nd Best overdo it with conservatism in dress the first time. Ideal - a business suit. Better not to choose the brown and purple, as these colors are considered a failure for the business person.

3.Cherez few months, once you get used to the new workplace and show yourself, you can add to your outfit more personality. Experiment with colors and accessories, but stick to the style of clothing, which has been adopted in your company.

4.Vse these rules can be easily upset by artists who look bright and allowed to express their individuality in clothing, accessories, hairstyle. But still within reason, do not forget that work is work.
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