Never tell men that you do not like sex
Men do not like beloruchek, psyched clean, too squeamish, and the like ladies who have the word "sex" and the word "dirt" are synonymous. Here are two possibilities. The first - when a woman brought up so that it in fact perceives sex as a heavy duty. This clinical case. There's nothing you can not help it. Therefore, with such retained only those men who brought about the same. Get a great little family of orthodox Jews and Christians. For them, sex is not fun for them both, but only a means of procreation. That is to say the process of insemination. And bored and sad. In the same sad group includes women frigid or okolofrigidnye. Here is to the doctors and psychologists. To live with this - it means to feel constantly dirty and rough animal maniac, a pervert, etc. it.p. No sane man would not stand this. The second option is even worse. Here, too, blame education. But the woman at heart is a sweet lesson like this. Just taught her what to show his joy when a man gets into bed, it is not necessary because:
• It's indecent.
• Otherwise, he would take her a whore.
• A real lady like it can not.
• let them know who's the hostess.
• Thus it is possible to manipulate the great man.
• Well and other such nonsense.
And we are not talking only about direct regular failures. De Angelis is very well described all that men regard as "unsportsmanlike" conduct. That is how ladies behave in that:
• spoke disparagingly about sex;
• feel embarrassed talking about sex;
• often demonstrate their unwillingness to make love;
• criticizing their lovers or husbands for the manifestation of their sexuality;
• behave in bed on a "need it to survive or show that they are merely tolerated sex.
From such Madame and Mademoiselle want to run without looking back. Even if it only shows the same attitude, so never talk to men that you do not like sex . I would add a few things that annoy us greatly:
• Reluctance to talk about sex.
• Exclamations during such a conversation like: "Ugh, how disgusting" (no matter what was going on - a kiss on the cheek or on the anal sex. Even if something is not taken, by definition, we can say about it as something else).
• iron determination to do all in pitch darkness, and only under the blanket.
• Statements like: "You, man, the only thing that is necessary" (not only that, but still beer, fishing, snooker and Formula 1).
• Avoid touching off the bed.
Continue this sad list indefinitely. But if short - we angered any suggestion that sex - a piece not so wonderful as we imagine. Not convince. It's fun. (And helping in the fight against prostate). The one who does not think so, automatically recorded in the blacklist. For a woman eyeing with suspicion. A woman wants to meet with his fierce enemy. Such a woman being unfaithful with particular pleasure and many times. We love sex. And love those who love it too. In all its manifestations.
Men do not like restrictions
If you look at the matter broadly, we can say that men do not like the situation, even when women are simply too many restrictions. And it is bad when it believes that it should be. Like, let it do all sorts of sluts, and I am a respectable woman. A hundred years ago, such an approach is, perhaps, was the only correct one. Whereas men are more or less clearly separated family life, love and sex for pleasure. (That is, they share it now, but more theoretically.) Women have successfully won the right to forbid us to go "with the girls in the room." And then it all quite naturally carried out in practice. So for the frills and small pleasures were girls, for the beautiful letters and sighing at the moon - a mistress, and for the solidity and procreation - a wife. Very convenient. All knew everything. Everything was almost legally. All all arranged.
Now about those hands, the only dream about. You can, of course, so alive right now, but it is fraught with enormous risks and difficulties. Much more comfortable when everything is gettin 'in one bottle. " But sometimes it is such a "bottle" stands on tiptoe, highly vzdergivaet nose and said: "This crap I will not swallow!" The expression in her face is as if she was asked to take a bite from a live octopus ... And for heaven's sake! Do not want - do not swallow. We are accustomed to this. And almost no upset. But you can at least say it differently?
It has long been noticed: it is necessary to offer a woman something so that it does not accept, she said about it so that you do not want to live afterwards. You feel horrible pervert, a place where either in prison or in hospital. All in all, it was something about oral sex. Well, we are well aware that he could not absolutely everything a person likes. We recognize your right to do what is causing your rejection. But why in case of failure in every way to demonstrate naskolkovam it is unpleasant? Big eyes, grimace with disgust, buzzwords like "disgusting" and "an abomination" - a hundred times worse than any rejection. Well, you do not want to do blowjob - do not do.
Over time, find another that does. Just tell me this is normal and polite. Do not try once more his voice to show that I am a complete jerk, and you're the queen (I somehow convinced that the opposite is true). Not in itself refusing annoying men and tactless form of denial. If a person likes something, why do not you love it does not mean that it is defective. And do not look at it as an exhibit to the cabinet of curiosities. And if you so wish to show their decency, good manners and chastity, then this is for nothing. We never think: "Oh, she's so violently refused to anal sex, so it's very neat and educated girl." None. We will think about something like this: "Well, you fool. I should not have parted with Marinko.
Generally, I notice that men with a special warm recollections of women who are enthusiastically doing what they asked for and received at the same time fun. Even if it was a very short novel, or even a single night. They knocked out of the total number, and always a little sorry if something went wrong in the relationship. We can forget the beautiful and intelligent woman, kind or caring, a woman who did for us something important. But the one which was great sex, will never forget. And the attitude to it will keep the most good. I told you that we are sentimental.
Well, this is so lyrical. Let us return to the women who pretend that they do not like sex. Summarize the results disappointing. Men are very negative attitude, even to the subtle hints that sex - not a good thing. We love to talk about it, we love to think about it and we love doing it. Who is not with us - against us. Open demonstration of dissatisfaction with sex or some details we are annoying. Something does not like - say ok. Do not show me what you're touchy. If possible a constructive dialogue. Although ... It's better to like it. In conclusion I would say that man will never truly be intimate with a woman who does not share and does not understand his desires and interests in the bed.