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New Years a good time for beginnings

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New Years - a good time for beginnings

Approaching New Year. He is as good as that is the general holiday, and the fact that since the new year, you can start all the things to which she had never reached his hands. There is a statistic that said that about a third of January increased sharply visiting gyms and fitness centers, compared to the previous year. But a month later, the number of people becomes the same as before. What is the cause of the fall of Zeal people to achieve their goals.

There are some mistakes that we make when it gets to a "new way". And what would a new year does not become material for a sad statistic, you should consider the pitfalls and then we will be able to avoid them. As a rule, at an early stage to achieve something, we strongly overestimate their capabilities. It's all very clear. Many do not want or simply can not see the resources of his body or temperament. People set themselves goals to achieve that in one year is simply impossible. And when, after a while it starts to stopper them, they cast him as a pipe dream. Although it cost only work for a couple of years longer than expected, and the labor would have brought to fruition.

For example, many people want to become very rich, with no seed money to start a business. Or some chubby dreams of becoming a world champion on the run. A young and inexperienced high school students want to find a great seducer. In general, all these dreams are achievable, but not in such a short period of time. You just need to work a little longer, and more. In order not to be disappointed once in his dream, did not initially put my bar too high.
Sometimes, in our work "programs" that can be called negative. They do not allow us to achieve our goals, whatever effort we will not have worked. And if you have something not work, try to analyze the situation. This can be done with the help of questions: what I think is causing the problem? Do I believe in it? Is it really? What would happen if I lost this faith? Be sure to work with your beliefs, if you feel that they are causing you discomfort or even prevented.

Sometimes, we like and are willing to change something, but there were no offerings to the victims. I do not mean burning themselves on fire or something like that. For example, you want to quit, but for this you should change your social circle, refusing to communicate with smoking friends. At least for the period of this process. You can not do that. And quit without offering such a victim is difficult. You can not get something new from nothing is not giving up.

When are we going to start something, we should remember that this is the perfect should not be. Otherwise the risk generally remains at the zero kilometer. Here is an example. You want to lose weight and choose the perfect diet. But two days of the provisions of the month for some reason you have not adhered to. This may well frustrate the person that he will throw all the idea of losing weight. Remember, the best thing, brought to end, but not perfect than perfect begun and abandoned. It can also be attributed and a desire to get "all at once." Know how to actually happening? Nothing and gradually. You should always make the shutter speed and desire. Try not to burn out quickly.

When we start something, it should always have some goals and boundaries. The reason that we throw some kind of started it may be hidden in the fact that we have not given yourself initially finish. Where is he? What do we want? And in the end, we either do not start moving, or come to a completely wrong result. There is an excellent expression of "one and the same goal can bring different ways. But among those same lines, can lead to different purposes." So remember what is important - first set a goal, and then fight for it.

Given that the new year looms, many of us are already preparing themselves internally to the exploits in the form of changing anything or acquisition. But always remember, before you decide to give up some habits, to start to decide on what you are going to change it. Nature abhors a vacuum. The refusal of the habit, in fact, the acquisition of the new.

Give yourself a cheat sheet on which you may find it easier to navigate.

1. Formulate the problem. Articulate it clearly. Here's an example: "I want to learn English" and "I'll teach English twice a week for two years." In what language a greater chance of success?

2. Determine why this is necessary. Need to very clearly establish why you're wasting time. It is important to convince not only his mind but the subconscious mind. Some authors recommend to assist such actions:

write down as much as possible motives for a piece of paper;
to each item ask the question "why is" and record a new answer;
Repeat all this until, until a feeling of inability to obtain a new response;
write down the important points of the entire long list of responses that you have turned out.

As a rule, really effective will be the last points. They are effective because our subconscious is the logic that is comparable to the logic of a five-year child. It understands the ideas that have caused strong feelings.

3. Find out what the result you get. Determine how you will realize that the result is already here.

4. Ask yourself: how I do it? Decide firmly, where and how you will change their habit. That is, the Narrow down the problem for myself even more.

And another important point. Begin to do something, you need in the next 24 hours after the firm decision. If you do postpone action indefinitely, you are showing yourself unimportance of the problem and your solution may well remain at the stage of ideas. So take your time making decisions in the coming days after the holiday. Give yourself a chance to rest, and then safely start planning. Successful you are making!

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