Virtually non-existent children, which at least a few times in my life have had a nightmare. To understand the kid enough to remember his childhood, when it seemed that the darkness creeping terrible monster, the same thing happens with your children. But that's only balanced children nightmares are only a few times in life, the children were with increased excitability often see terrible dreams and wake up screaming with fright.
At the age of 6 months at night waking the child based on a purely physiological reasons - he is hungry, he has wet diapers or something hurts. Subsequently, at a later age when a child opens a whole new world, acquiring new knowledge, but his dreams are filled with psychological content, nightmares do not always result from physical suffering of the child, the cause of psychological disharmony and nighttime fears may be, for example, fear of parting with mother.
Should be able to distinguish between nightmares and night terrors , as they have different causes. Nightmare - a nightmare. He usually appears during the paradoxical phase of sleep, towards the end of the night, and lasts about twenty minutes, although the baby then it seems that all ended in a much shorter period. Waking up, the child is able to recall the nightmare of every detail, and often these details are not only visual but also auditory and even tactile.
During sleep, the nightmare of child experiencing strong anxiety, it quickens the pulse, but no movements are observed. This can be explained by the fact that the nightmare usually occurs in the phase of sleep when the muscles are relaxed. If your child is waking nightmare, it choking with tears, will begin to tell their parents (unless, of course, he already knows how to speak) that it so frightened. Nightmares of the child for the most part represent a response to fears that he feels in the waking state. If they are associated with age-related stages of development, especially not to worry about anything, but sometimes nightmares of children are a direct reflection or some other stressful situations, dysfunctional relationships among family members. Children have not learned to articulate their feelings, so the daily fears and recorded during sleep.
Although none of the nightmare is different, yet their most common themes are a danger, drop, stalking, assault. If a child is very sensitive, emotional and at the same conditions are added to enhance the nightmares, the same dream, may be repeated night after night. If the child suffered some sort of an accident (even when he was very young), it can stably locked in memory and then also lead to nightmares.
Do not focuses on the child's nightmares
In young children, nightmares are often the memories of his experiences during the day. Horror movies, scary stories, scandals, injuries affect the psyche of the baby, then pouring into a nightmare. How to help your child when he wakes you up at night and in tears, tells of his terrible dream? First of all, do not worry. Be a child with attention and patience. At the moment of awakening, he does not distinguish between dream and reality, it seems to him that what he saw just a nightmare still continues. No need to instill to the kid, it was just a dream. He is still so small that it is simply unable to understand the difference between reality and dream.
It is best to soothe the baby's assurances that everything he saw in a dream, is not dangerous. Do not force your child to tell his dream, as it will re-living the horror experienced. Just reassure him, get on your hands, shake, poshepchite kind words. But the next day you are obliged to talk to him about what he experienced during sleep (unless, of course, the kid he did not yet forgotten), and try to smooth out the dramatic situation. Retell his nightmare in his own words, but a terrible finish the story on an upbeat note.
If a child is prone to nightmares, should pay particular attention to how he prepares for bed. Avoid exciting mobile games at night, do not let him be considered scary pictures, do not tell scary tales. Customize it for soothing mood to help lullaby song, intimate conversation on the abstract theme, convinced that he all love and that if anything's parents always come to his aid. Therefore, if your child pursue nightmares, pay attention to the climate in the family, then what life is like your child to adults. Eliminating the causes of intra-order you do the first step in the process of getting rid of the child from nightmares.
If you behave properly, will not be a focus of the child in his terrible dreams, tried to calm and distract him, soon nightmares are dreams he had not so often and then just stop. The cause of nightmares the child may have relations within the family. Starting with 2 years of age at the appearance of nightmares can affect the separation from her mother, very upset by the baby, as well as excessive strictness of parents, lack of love on their part.
Moreover, this attitude of parents spontaneously associated in a child with fairy-tale image of evil. Doctors have found that often an evil Baba Yaga dreams to children who suffer callous attitude, and even threats from the mother. Scrag, Barmalej, scary uncle is associated with a large reservoir, emotional stinginess, cruelty of his father. If the child is always something to prohibit, deny its independence it could also put it in nightmares, where strict parents appears as a terrible fairy tale characters. Kid falls into a kind of confined space: the day he is being prosecuted numerous prohibitions and threats, and at night - bad dreams. As a result, constantly experienced negative emotions, anxiety, nervous tension may contribute to the fact that he will suffer from neurosis.