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In utero and in early infancy the child is experiencing a unique experience of unity with the mother, giving him food and affection, peace and a sense of security. This is a unique nor an incomparable experience of love, unity, absolute peace and security, the recollection of which is stored in the subconscious, and as an adult sometimes reminds of itself, appearing very special feeling. In these cases, we covered a painful feeling not memories, not the nostalgia of a certain "lost paradise", the perfect all-embracing love, peace and bliss, which must exist somewhere and we would like to dive, all far from the cares and sorrows .

In most cases we do not understand, whence comes this ghostly light and nostalgic feeling does not realize that it is - an echo of memories of infancy, and even the prenatal period, when our "I" has not yet been formed, and unaware of their individuality of the child was part of the universe provided by his mother. Growing up, the child loses his paradise. He begins to separate itself from the mother and the rest of the world, realize their self and their own needs, which are no longer satisfied in full, as it was in the womb or in early infancy. Occurs a kind of "expulsion from Paradise" in a strange, incomprehensible, unpredictable world, to whom the child according to his means and capabilities are more or less well adapted.

On a sense-memory of "Paradise Lost" is based our need for unconditional love, which gives an overarching sense of security. It is partly based religious faith, the need for some mystical "freedom", the achievement of nirvana or a merger with the Absolute. " Were displaced from paradise to hell, from bliss of the womb to the outside world, we have lost a sense of stability, security and peace of mind. It is understandable that we want to find in the unpredictable changing reality, immutable and reliable, a "fulcrum" - something, in what could be utterly believe in, that could be relied upon.

Someone is looking for someone who would understand and accept it fully, would have loved him "as he is," someone is trying to find a foothold in religion, philosophy, science or art. The illusion of "finding a lost paradise" often occurs during love. Relationship between the feeling of love and memories of the infant with his mother is evident in the passage quoted below from the novel by Arturo Perez-Reverte "matter of honor."

- I think I'm in love with you - she said, never taking his eyes from the sea.
- Come on - I murmured - need also to say something.

But I have a dry mouth, and I wanted to cry, pressed his face against her warm neck and forget about everything, even his own shadow. I wondered what my life was here before this very minute.


"Damned and damned lonely life" - I thought. And once again felt something from which I have inside though all gone soft as a child when his mother kisses you and you're so nice and cozy, and not suspect that this is just a breather before it becomes cold and scared.

- Come here.

I slipped his right hand still bandaged her handkerchief under his head for a girl and drew her to him.

She seemed so small, so fragile, and from it still smelled like from a tiny child, who had just woken up in her crib. I have already said: I'm uneducated man and not good at feelings, but then realized that that's the smell - or the memory of it, which suddenly came back to me - and there is my homeland and my memory. The only place on earth where I want to go and where I want to stay forever.

Now let us see how Indian religion define nirvana.

Nirvana - a higher state of consciousness, the state of ineffable peace, beyond space and time variability is an empirical existence, outside the web of desires, beyond the endless round of rebirths; no illusions that getting rid of all the passions of the whole transient, the state of true freedom and immersion into the cosmic consciousness .

Does not that description perfectly suited to a state which has suffered a child in the womb? Subconscious need to protect and defend parents also becomes a source of faith in God. What is this tayaschiysya in the subconscious of a parent? According to memories of "Paradise Lost", he is omnipotent, unspeakably to our kind and merciful, he accepts us as we are, it gives us security, a sense of stability, peace and bliss. You do not like this description? It is no wonder that a sense of religious ecstasy and boundless love for God, dissolving it and coming from his grace is a complete analog infantile sense of oneness with the mother.

Return to Paradise

The fact that in childhood we ourselves without realizing it, on a subconscious level regarded as "the expulsion from Paradise," has created in us a sense of anxiety and insecurity, makes us painfully to find a way to "return to paradise" - through love, religion, philosophy or mystical experiences. In the search for "blue bird" - "Lost Paradise" - we periodically discouraged and despair. The world is "not such as should be," "love lies, and cherished notions are crumbling under the pressure of changing reality. These disappointments are not surprising - after all, we do not fully understand what we are really looking for and what we ultimately want to get. Can not find something that does not exist. Unable to get what is not. Unable to return to the womb and find absolute satisfaction and security, without desire, suffering, fear of death, the painful memories of the past and anxiety about the future.

Looking for what is not, trying to soften his disturbing actions do not lead ultimately to the desired result, one ceases to notice what is really important for him, something that can give him a real joy and happiness. He forgets that we are - it is our perception. Heaven and hell really exist. This is just a way to feel and the world. For someone who learns to live in harmony with the world, to take the world as it is, and act adequately in it, the world will become that of the house, thus "lost paradise", to return to the people who unconsciously seeks. "Paradise Lost" in reality is all around us. All we need to do is look at the world and in ourselves something in the pursuit of elusive illusions we had simply not noticed.
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