No accounting for tastes
Decided to make a man agreeable and prepared for dinner your brand jellied fish or a Caesar with shrimp? Relatives and friends are delighted with your culinary talents, but favorite bread just pinched. And his praise sounded too convincing. And in the finale did not drank so loved your carrot juice. He was very upset you, refusing to eat food prepared with such love.
Some girls are satisfied with their beloved checks for "food compatibility. They believe that love a man is able to eat even hated spinach, if he prepared his hands mistress. If he refuses to eat the fruits of their culinary creativity, then this means that it is not so much in love, as saying. In a familiar restaurant you advise him to try the signature dish from the chef - lasagna with cheese. But for some reason he refuses your advice and order a banal veal with fries. You immediately come up with the idea that you are not a couple - after all, people in love usually tastes the same. The similarity of tastes, of course, an important indicator of your compatibility, because if all goes well scenario, you will need to create daily menu of your chosen one. But consider whether to break off relations because of the fact that your future husband prefers soft-boiled eggs, and you - the hard-boiled. Or maybe he just allergic to seafood and Caesar salad with prawns, cooked by you, it just is contraindicated. Yes and no accounting for tastes.

Such a method of verification can not objectively indicate the strength of feeling your lover. Such differences can only tell about your tastes do not match, which, as we know, do not argue. Remember that his taste was formed mainly due to his mother, even in childhood. Maybe she regaled him with childhood dietary food only, so the lasagna, he looks like something suspicious. It is also difficult to persuade a man who all his life lived on fat and calorie diet, switch to a more useful and healthy foods to which you yourself are accustomed to.
Do not be so arbitrary and does not require that a proof of his sincerity, your beloved just changed their eating habits, developed over the years, and began to eat like you used to own. First try to find something to do in your tastes. For example, you both like to garnish the potatoes in any form. Use it when cooking your first joint dinner. And then - do not be afraid to experiment. Try to combine food, loved both of you. Also, remember that your best assistant - a male appetite. The most important thing - Diversify your desk and do everything with love - and your beloved will be grateful.