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Girls born coquette. They love to play with men and are usually fluent in all the wisdoms of flirting. The main thing in this case - not to overreact. Many girls in relationships with men like to be ostentatious obstinacy. They want to resist playfully courting men to persevere and win them with all possible zeal. On the one hand, such a flirt, of course, can look extremely attractive. But a sense of proportion does not hurt, otherwise you may expose yourself silly or hypocritical. So beware of deliberately losing some moves.

1. Do not say no to those proposals that want to adopt. Of course, all the girls know the international women's language: "no" means "maybe", "may" - "yes", "no means yes." Only trouble is that not all men are aware of it. So if the guy comes to you with a question: "Can you meet?", Do not be stupid flirting and say: "No" in the hope that he will continue to insist and persuade you. Nor should we refuse to date, especially if you yourself are dying on the desire for him to go. So forget the frills of past centuries, and be honest.
2. Do not give a gift just from a desire to look decent. Of course, a lady of etiquette can make a man just flowers, candy and books. But our practical age has long been extended those boundaries. Today, as a gesture of dating a man can send you a bottle of champagne doroguschy, teddy bear, or even something from what this girl is very hard to refuse. It is foolish to say: "Well you know what you are! I can not accept such a gift, if in fact you plan to adopt it after much persuasion new admirer. Relinquish the gifts only if the desire is true and you're really not going to accept a gift under any pretext.

3. If it comes to sex, and you're going to fail, then do it immediately and firmly. If you say: "No, do not", while being half-naked in the embrace of unfamiliar young man, your refusal will be perceived as flirtation and desire to provoke and fuel a man.
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