Not be realized children
Maybe you still can not imagine that the baby once it becomes an adult member of society. Society that lives by its own laws, which it expects its exclusive location. Even if you provided an heir apartment in his native town, possibly relocation to other edge will put it before the issue of where to live there? And to live on? So, of course, all the adults have to work. To this end, we have education, we conclude the institutions, then to get a decent job with good wages.
Competition in society is growing. Fortunately, if the child has a talent that allows him to stand out or doing things you love. But as a rule, children are living day to day, without thinking about the distant future. But we all know how difficult it is to change deep-seated way home to independent swimming. So why many parents prefer to protect their child from the truth of life? Western society has long been working towards additional household formation, and so far invented a lot of games like "Monopoly" and logical strategies for improvisation, real-life situations at home.
Do not neglect the various role-playing games, detective, logic, and participation in various competitions and sports competitions. All this will improve your child's understanding of the different models of society, where everyone aspires to lead. After living for years in the family, only this model is the future seen by many children. Girls dream of a good marriage, and boys - to marry. And what is behind the quiet everyday life family, our kids never occurred. Great if you can educate from the cradle of the young economist and director, but if not, do not worry: you will have the chance to stay close to your child! According to world statistics, not be realized children remain under the wing of their parents an average of twenty-three years, and in some countries - up to thirty. So you still have time to monitor the course of events and slapped councils.
Role of Education
There are two extremes, leading to failure in educating today's children. The first extreme - completely envelop and strangle the child giperzabotoy his urge to independent adulthood, the other extreme - to throw the baby to fend for themselves, giving him the opportunity to grow like weeds, without supervision and required knowledge. As parents, we have great importance in the lives of children, often without even realizing how much they focus on us, in our example. And who, if not we are interested in the noble upbringing of our children. You should not blame them that they now possess a powerful energy and because of inexperience is often opposed by our desire to make them smart, educated, strong and courageous.
All human wisdom and knowledge accumulated over centuries, they acquire meaning and significance only in those moments, when passed down from generation to generation, from father to son, from mother to daughter. Drowning in financial problems, modern man has no time to do the main thing - to live in harmony with the surrounding world and time. We lose a sense of the way to earnings, I lose your own in a crowd. Forgive us for these children or not, they want to live, guided by our values - time will tell. And we, the adults, do not forget that in this life, basic and, alas, repressed role is still raising the next generation. Education is strict, calm, without any strain. In the world or in war, in prosperity or modesty - for the child's parents will always be the closest people, from which the kid will learn first words, mannerisms and movements. Responsibility - a word that avoids many, inexplicably confuse responsibility with sufficient funds. But the education of children - it is primarily the joy for which the person receives the greatest reward - procreation of decent people.