Not difficult to make a monkey of a man and a woman!
Thus, man. Also, incidentally, oddly enough, a representative of Homo sapiens, that is to say a wise man. Although, of course, he pulls a maximum of Homo habilis (and even then not all - Krivorukov too short). Still, scientists are convinced that this is a reasonable man. It is true that scientists have for the most part, too, man. And most of all, to please his brother out of male solidarity. As befits a solid work before talking about the general qualities and properties of any kind, you need to say a few words about its origins. Do not think it wrong if I say that there have been men from apes. In contrast to women. Lovely ladies, of course, came to us with some very remote and beautiful planet with the noble aim of making the same from the ape man. That is, man. None of this is not requested, no begged, but they acted, so to speak, regardless. And it should be noted, over the millennia of evolution is very successful in his endeavor. Men climbed down from the trees, their tails were cut, sometimes got rid of the hair (this is true, yet the problem after all), have learned to walk on two legs, and somehow use her hands.
Yes, no work done from the ape man and a woman . That is, of course, to work, but for someone worked a monkey? For yourself? No way! If it were not for women, we are happy to still be lying about under the palm trees and catch the falling into our hands bananas with coconut. Sometimes drove them to the most coconuts in football. But no more. Why bother, if everything is okay? Here, incidentally, lies one of the most important truths: everything that makes a man, one way or another and it makes for the sake of women. While the woman for a man not to move a finger. It will do everything for the sake of children. Went, of course, not very smoothly. Men fought for their self (not to be confused with samtsovostyu) to the last. To recall the massive burning of witches at the stake. It is clear that a witch is any more or less attractive woman, has the potential to make a monkey man. Accepted and not so drastic measures - such as denial of women's rights.
But progress is inexorable. Under the watchful eye of the female man stopped down bananas with stones and mastered the computer and some decency. It seems that everything - intelligence triumphs. Absolute harmony and universal grace. But no! Man though and got rid of most of the simian manners, full manual did not. But it's bad. Thing something contrary to the fact that he basically refuses to talk to women at an affordable language. That is to say words like utters understandable, but what he really had in mind, we can only know after the autopsy. And plus to this he himself is in no hurry to understand women. Bow his head to one side, listening to (if well fed and is in a hurry), nods, and then doing the opposite. Note that even in his own way, but just the opposite. He feels that it is properly in all figured out. The woman thinks sensibly explained everything. And the result is just the opposite. And how can we talk about harmony?

In short, despite the fact that the man became bipedal and tailless, his soul remained dark. And the head, by the way, too. Sometimes for him ... But if the man with their troubles as a coping, then women can only be pitied. And, in fact - so much work to invest and he does in his hands is given. Goes something, mumbles ... And then wonder unspeakably. Yes, even with a sweet smile, saying, Behold, my dear, everything like you asked. Aha ... So, conclusion: finally make a monkey out of women's human all the same did not happen. Maybe the time was not enough, maybe the monkey was too stubborn, but the fact remains - the man was being for women rather puzzling. That is not completely understood. And because it stood to his full height problem of misunderstandings. And even from her proizrosli various other difficulties less. For example, the lack of new coats for the New Year or leaking faucet in the bathroom.
And really want something in connection with this fix. Directly to the itch in her hands. But how? The answer is simple - poizuchat this creature in its natural, so to say medium. Learn more about its habits, habits, lifestyles, nutrition and so on and so forth. You can certainly go the other way. You can make such a creature at home and watching him, lying on the couch. But in this case, you risk to see just what he wants to show. Man as there is a very secretive and shy, which does not like it dissects. He escapes and verescha, escapes. Rammed into the farthest corner and sits, hid, waiting until the danger has passed ... so thoroughly study it in captivity is not so simple. Much more effective and more humane just quietly sneak up to him with a camera, voice recorder, notepad and a microscope when he sports on the grass.