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"The tendency of modern civilization - is rationality. Only recently, the trend appeared to listen to myself before that it was believed that everything should be logical. Ancient people were in this plan more harmonious. They devote time and logic, and engaged in the development of intuition. Dreams - a bridge between the conscious and unconscious. We must actively use them and walk on them there and back "- philosophizes Suvorov.

Finding your way in a dream not so easy. Psychologists are advised to visit for this special training, where you talk about the specific therapeutic techniques, knowledge of dreams. After each lesson (they are during the day) you will be given homework for the night. On the development of "techniques of interpretation" can take anywhere from a couple of months to six months.

First, "students" are taught to do exercises on concentration, which will help in future recall dreams. The simplest thing: lying in bed, gently but insistently remind yourself that the dream to remember. Best of all, if in the morning instead of the annoying beeping alarm clock gently wakes you to someone from a family member or favorite music. Immediately after waking, try not to open your eyes and do not move sharply. Freeze for several minutes and re-focus your attention, trying to revive in memory the dream entirely.
The most affordable way to interpret - to tell a loved one sleep. "If you're good to remember the dream, his detail the interested listener, not missing a single detail - the Council Suvorov. - Sometimes, this simple operation, its meaning becomes clearer. "

The next stage - to have a diary or journal of dreams where you want to write or sketch in detail "what he saw." Attach the notebook small flashlight, you may learn to wake up "to order" and outline the dreams of even the middle of the night. Daily recording very soon will become a habit.

For every dream come up with an apt title for a story - it will help get closer to understanding the meaning. Sam blog in the near future it will be your personal dream book. And if you're doing this in addition entice your partner and learn to "share dreams, you will find parallels in your dreams to help solve family problems.

In psychotherapy, there are several ways of analyzing dreams. For example, to begin to classify the events in several categories - characters, setting, natural environment, objects, activities, feelings. Whichever way the analysis of dreams "key" to its meaning are the feelings and emotions. "No matter what the dream is important, what emotions you felt at the same time" - concludes Suvorov.

The phenomenon of a sleep - it's prophetic dreams. Like any rare gift, he managed to produce psevdoprovidtsev. 99% of the people looking into dream book and unconsciously doing everything to "fit" what happened in his sleep at the reality, and then he sincerely believes that his predictions come true overnight. Scientists call this samoopravdyvayuschimsya prophecy. This ability to attribute prophetic dreams overdeveloped intuition, or, as they say, Chuiko, arising either as a gift, whether as a result of the colossal work of the individual over another. Maybe the reason all powerful genetic memory, inherited from ancestors.

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