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Nothing sorry

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Nothing sorry!

Let's say you're going to lose a guy. Suppose your charges do not occupy a single day. Maybe you need some time to decide on this step and meet with the spirit. It is your right ... But in this case, please do not talk about their intentions to other people. That is not necessary to announce his separation from her boyfriend, as a kind of circus performance.

The proposal to disperse - not the most pleasant news, and still allow her boyfriend to find her first. Of course, discuss their plans with her friends - we all know and completely forgivable woman's weakness. In the end, it's clear that you need to consult with someone, listen to words of encouragement and consolation. But in this case you should select any one particular listener, and all the touchy debate with only one person. Preferably with the most silent. Choose someone trusted and true, who knows how to keep secrets. Otherwise, imagine what awaits you embarrassment if your boyfriend finds out about your desire to part with it not from you but from someone of your mutual friends.
Maybe, it seems incredible to you. Perhaps, you say: "My friends do not like that. They can be trusted. If I ask, they will be silent as a fish on the ice. " Yet even the most loyal companion can make a bad break. And quite by accident. I know cases where people own which were pierced by small things. For example, one girl is smart enough to come to the boyfriend of his girlfriend and start questioning what they have not got a relationship and why they are on the verge of collapse.

Understandably, her intentions were very good: she only wanted to try to reconcile the couple and help them understand the situation. But the boyfriend quickly realized that's what. With his girlfriend, he broke himself, and with a big scandal. If you do not want such an embarrassing situation in your life, try to keep my mouth shut!

Threw a boyfriend? Otshila fan? Escaped from the boyfriend? Congratulations! Yes yes, congratulations. You have done what I wanted. And when we carry out our plans, we can only enjoy it. Never about anything not regret ! Here, perhaps, the most important rule of any otshivaniya. Whatever happens, no matter how you turned to the gap. Do not be sorry. Why? Yes, if only because no one yet has invented a time machine. No one has learned what happened to turn around. The offense will not change. Future - it is a soft clay from which you can sculpt anything, but the past - it is the unshakable rock, which is impossible to trim. So do not waste your time on the experience and the redefinition of its former actions. Just go on. Look ahead with optimism and confidence. Know that after the break totally inappropriate:

1. Feel sorry for what he did. You did what I did. You certainly acted in good faith. So what now regret?

2. To doubt the correctness of his choice. After a fight with his fists is not waving. Once you decide, then you have probably had some serious arguments in its favor, or even just an intuitive feeling that you have decided to obey. And it was true. Our inner voice - this is our best friend and adviser.

3. Regret that you did wrong or cruel. In fact, none of us can judge for justice. We do not know what awaits us tomorrow. Maybe the next day after breaking your ex man meets the girl of his dreams and will be incredibly happy because of you. Or decides to drown the pain in the workplace and in the end will be a tycoon. Who knows? In any case, that rightly or wrongly - do not judge you.
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