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Numerological horoscope of the child

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Numerological horoscope of the child

Child - it's unopened bud, which hid the identity of their individual qualities, character, abilities and inclinations. Analysis of the name, middle name and surname of the child can help parents and caregivers to better understand it, to support the interests and discover inherent talents. You want to know how your child will learn and now some of his character traits, strengths and weaknesses, and hidden talents, and much more? All in your hands.
The date format is: DD / MM / YYYY (For example, 09/11/2001).

horoscope of the child

He has a lively, inquisitive mind, open to new ideas and inclined not to obey the opinions of others, and to the end to defend their point of view, than whatever she was. He - a unique baby pronounced individualist, it becomes apparent even at a very early age. He has a certain emotional aloofness. Range of interests of the child is quite extensive - from science and mathematics to art books, theater and painting. As he grew more and more the world knows, it wakes up humanist. He can not see when someone hurts or bad - whether it be a beggar on the street corner or a stray dog. It may appear very early interest in metaphysics.

Your child loves to poke his nose everywhere. You will notice as soon as the child goes to school - he immediately expresses the wish to join in all the circles and sections. At all - then the character in a child is not bad, but this willful children of parents should keep it in check, without fear and to besiege the right time. The child will not challenge your authority in the family, and you should from the outset to give it a little bundles of energy to see that the parade will be you. (Be careful with this because, despite all their energy, these children are very sensitive). As soon as the baby will know who is boss, there will be peace.
It is very important as early as possible to teach little to distinguish good from bad. Your not only a very independent, but also extremely jealous. His need to be convinced that love at all enough. This little "fireball" is very demanding, capricious and intractable. But if skillfully carry him time, the result is stunning.

Child is able to devote all forces to achieve this goal. His ability to focus is incredible, if something to do, there is little that distracts him. Demonstrates its will, exposing Tests and myself, and others. Maybe all the forces resisting the orders. Inclined to a strong attachment and aversion. Intuitively tuned to the perception of the world.

Their fears hides in itself, but they can manifest itself in nightmares, isolation. Focuses on the world of emotions, which has a deep and strong, but he tries to hide them. Respects the strength and power. Holds the key to all people and things. He likes both active sports, and intellectual. Has a creative imagination and loves to invent their own games. In the circle of children, it often becomes the leader and decides which of the games and choose what rules to play. Devoted friends. It is important to be sensitive to it, do not break character. It is better to inspire them with your order. Teach him to direct its determination in a positive manner. To it needs an individual approach, orders can only be done the hard stubbornness and an explosion of emotions.

The school is able to absorb vast amounts of information and the selection of her most valuable. Endowed with a keen and inquisitive mind. Seeks to examine and explore the world around us. He likes to make progress, set targets and move towards them.

This child is very aggressive from an early age, and therefore it must be constantly kept in check. If the earliest period of its development does not pay attention to the manifestations of aggressiveness, in his character could take root the bad habits and patterns of gross behavior. Such children are usually very mobile than perfectly reproduces the parents. In this case we can not let him do whatever he pleases. Parents should guide the boundless energy of the offspring in a positive manner, where he will be able to find ways to express themselves. He should understand that this is not the parents set for him beyond the limits, it is accepted in a society in which they live. In addition, parents should provide such a child that there are different ways of expression (directed energy), which allow you to release tension and to realize their potential much more effectively. These might include speech, different types of art (eg, drawing), or sports. If such a child to give an opportunity to express themselves through positively directed behavior, then gradually his aggressiveness and brutality come to naught, and he learns to control his emotions. Such a child (especially when he was overly aggressive and rude) for adequate emotional development need physical contact and warmth.

If he learns to respect yourself and your family, then he will learn to respect other people and their feelings.

This child is easily affected by skin rashes, acne. Weaknesses - calf, ankle, break easily and stretching. May be violated exchange of blood. The child can easily become ill in the heat, he may have hyperacidity, digestive tract problems, serious infections. The child is quickly bored by treatment, and within a day or two they reject it. Their unexpected and severe illness, often exacerbated by lack of sleep. Preventive measures: vitamins, fresh air, not too sedentary. Useful for outdoor games, going out with friends for a change of scene.

horoscope of the child

This child is very methodical. If it is what is - or is satisfied, then forever! Especially important are the first days of life, when you need him to like it. The child has a special organization, and if you want to avoid conflict, avoid shifting of their items from one place to another and do not hinder them to retire. What a nice to have accommodating child, who is also able to entertain and of itself, and little brother or sister! Such independence, as well as a generous, trusting soul of particular affection. You would think that baby is not very much - then you need and do not require the attention received by other children. In fact, the opposite is true. This sensitive man as anyone else in need of love and attention, but being very undemanding, never showed it. The baby is very balanced. However, your child wants the parents to always cheered him, and constantly staying somewhere nearby, could lend a loving hand, when it falls. He usually chooses a long path to fame and prosperity, but if gets to the end, it does it brilliantly.

Calm and self-child. He needs to feel the certainty and stability, to feel its own membership in the home and family. For him, it is important to bear in an environment familiar objects and familiar people to feel comfortable. Loves the sequence of actions and procedures. Innate sense of responsibility and ownership is manifested in his early childhood. He wants to be in the thick of things, and at the same time has the need for privacy. He is not pushy and does not demonstrate their abilities. May look shy, aloof too frisky and playful children. Inclined to withdraw the unknown. He prefers the practical games, build something, tinkering, create. Tied to his parents, he needs a quiet psychological climate in the family.

Help your child gain self-confidence, a sense of value. Notes his good deeds, perseverance in overcoming difficulties. Encourage his creativity. Teach care of others, caring for animals, plants, drive to work on the house.

The school usidchiv well comprehends knowledge. Own homework. Often has a good memory. Can ignore the individual items, if not get along with one or another teacher. Possible low interest in school affairs and life in general. He should find their interest and to define its place, then the school will be pleasant to him. He has a penetrating mind, capable to understand the smallest details, with whom nobody else wants to deal with. He likes order in her home, does not make a mess and is willing to do anything to put everything in its place. Few things escape the attention of the child. If one morning you find yourself not in shape and try to hide it, he still notices and asks about it. If you change something in your bedroom, even some little thing, he immediately will notice and express his opinion.

The same insight that a child brings to school and friendship. Ask him what a smile from someone of his friends, and he not only accurately describe, but also to show to the smallest detail reproducing facial expressions. But he still needs to learn to see the whole picture, not razmenivayas on trifles. This child loves to read and usually develops very early alphabet. Information he needed as the air. But on the other hand, too much information can lead to what it would be difficult to make your own opinion about many things. Encourage your child to think for themselves and as soon as he realizes that it's great - to have his own opinion - he immediately earns a creative idea.

He has a tendency to criticize others - but no more than he criticizes himself. Maybe this is one of the protective mechanisms which evolved in early childhood. Its worth unlearning that and keep their harsh opinions of others to themselves.

Data analysis of the child says, especially about stability, but also that the child is very acute needs something, he becomes very vulnerable if you do not feel the support of family members. When the last give him the love and warmth, they carry the most significant part of its "parent of". In fact, such a child storage is always "momma's boy" (or "mother's daughter"). He always kept as close as possible to his mother. Parents should ensure the stability of such a child, and every time to convince him that everything is going well. It is this confidence will help your child cope with everyday difficulties. Such a child has to adapt to the harsh realities of life. He must know that he has enough strength and ability to cope with the challenges and overcome obstacles on their own. Nevertheless, he must realize that his mom and dad can not stay with him 24 hours a day, you need to get used to living independently and learn to do everything myself. If he learns these principles, we will gain confidence and be able to safely go through life and be responsible for himself and for his decision. Analysis indicates also the special susceptibility of the child, his ability to sympathize with any living creature. He loves animals, and if it depended only on him, it would be flooded house the homeless, abandoned, injured animals, picked up God knows where. He likes to help his neighbors, and he was happy to volunteer for a mission to save the poor and "drowning". This child is extremely well developed imagination, and this makes it overly sensitive, restless and fearful. Parents should pay special attention to the nature of his fears and help him cope with them. Desirable to establish a trust relationship, that he told his parents that he feels something is afraid that alarming. If the child does not receive timely parental support, the result will not be able to overcome their fears and anxiety and did not learn to cope with them.

Child rather weak. He gets tired easily, often looks painful. Lungs and muscles are underdeveloped, but his body is equipped with high-grade nerve system, knowing how to cope with this shortcoming. Major illness of your child - constipation, threatening to poison the entire system, if too prolonged. Tumors are relatively rare, that is not true of intestinal cramps caused by anxiety, anxieties, worries, from which you can escape for a while, but are rarely cured completely. Enteritis, uremia. Preventive measures: a light regular meals, a healthy diet. Regular walks, hours of sleep and most importantly - a regular chair. Treatment and moderate use of prescriptions.

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