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Obsessive boyfriend

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Obsessive boyfriend

For you vengeance uhlestyvaet young man, and even entire crowd suitors, whom you are not going to reciprocate. "That landed it - you think, - flew around like flies on ... you know that ..." Stop, stop, stop! One moment! Do you really think that an abundance of fans - it's a terrible darkness? Do you really think that if someone you love without reciprocity - it is a sad event, and your great wines? You and in fact it seems that male attention is excessive and around alone obsessive boyfriend?

Of course, there are life situations, when the courtship of men seem to be intrusive and glaringly inappropriate. For example, in the case, if you are madly in love and you have no strength to look around and flirt with others, because in your mind and heart just OH! And still someone else's love or affection or flirtation us girls, nor are non-binding.

If for you, someone cares, that does not mean that you should meet him in return or even pay him at least some of the attention. However, do not forget that plenty of fans of us, girls, decorate and usually affects the nervous system and self-esteem the most positive way. A strange paradox: when a lot of girls fawned upon around the guy, he become conceited and turns into a narcissistic egotist, but when this situation gets the girl, from increased male attention, it literally blooms.
So, if you're lucky enough to please any young man, the first thing you should do - is to realize that you just had the luck! In fact, no matter who he is, crush on you man, investment banker or a plumber Vasya. It does not matter you like it or not and whether you have any kind of future. All this really matters of secondary importance. Matters is that you paid attention, you made known their sympathy, you stand out among other girls. This is not a reason to rejoice? And therefore, whatever feelings you may be fed to the fans, let among them will be grateful!

Men's liking nourishes our love of a woman to him. It is foolish not to use it. Now, getting up every morning, you can approach the mirror and say to yourself: "What I'm Gorgeous! That plumber Vasya in front of me could not resist! So, is not far off the hour when I fell madly in love banker and we will live happily ever after! I easily giddy men. I'm just super! "This auditory training can be extremely useful. So, than to lament the injustice of fate, which is why you always fall in love with you unworthy, you better try to look at everything positively and with gratitude.

You should not scoff at the feeling of love

Other extreme - boasting. It is quite clear woman's weakness: when you love someone and want permission or excuse about it all around. Yes, just have it? My friend Larissa worked in a huge corporation. In its suit absolutely everything: she liked and her duties, and a great friendly staff and even office intrigues! By the way, weaving it is their masterfully. And then one fine day in love with colleague Larisa Andrew from the marketing department. For a while Larissa enjoyed Andryushin worship, huge bouquets of flowers, flattery and passionate mail. Colleagues, of course, all noticed, but silent.

And Larissa meantime, from those attentions completely lost all sense of proportion. Her ego has grown to the size of a skyscraper. And then one day, unable to restrain emotions, Larissa began whip left and right about his boyfriend. At the break she proudly told his colleagues about the gifts, which she did Andrew. At lunchtime convened almost the entire office to your computer to read the passionate Andryushin message.

In the end, Andrew from respected man, an experienced and highly skilled marketer turned into a favorite occasion for vulgar jokes and the most exciting topic for gossip. After a while he resigned, but before that was not lazy good substitute Larisa, her office sent to all photos "nude", which is pretty frivolous as that sent him to provoke the imagination of an ardent suitor. To be accompanied by a concise picture caption: "Now she knows how I feel."

Moral of the story is simple. You should not scoff at the feeling of love to you man. And, of course, do not trump his advances in front of strangers in the office. One thing that you talk to her friends, quite different - what are the rumors to start up in the working collective. Even if everyone knows about your boyfriend, not adding fuel to the fire and did not add information gossips. Hang on as a star and get rid platitudes. A detailed story about how he'll succeeds appropriate only with very close friends. Chatter is about feelings and actions of another person to the left and right - it's like to show contempt and disrespect for this man.
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