Obsmeem their experiences
Let's obsmeem their experiences and try to take a position in life, "Life is a circus." Take it easy. You need to provide that all people have some kind of clowns in the circus life. And the more you are nervous and are experiencing, the more sincere you are playing a role in this circus. Not bothered whether to be a clown? The title of this position reminds us of the famous dictum: "Life is theater." One could say so, but we deliberately increased the critical aspect of this vital position. Become an actor in theater for many it may seem appealing. But how about a clown in a circus? But our lives - this is not theater. This is a continuous circle and we as the main clown. Many people without realizing it, resent it to one, then another.
Life is a representation of the arena
To cease to feel a strong emotional negativity, you need internally to accept that everything that happens in life has a clown on a circus ring. People - clowns, and everyone hamming it differently. And the more emotion and passion people manifests in everyday life, angry or instructing others, insulted, or engaging in conflict, the higher the professional level as a clown. Although the arena is not just clowns, but magicians - they have all disappeared and no one knows where there is nowhere. Here you can meet security officials, who go ahead and achieve total power - until they meet someone abruptly. There jugglers, tamers, wrestlers, athletes, etc. And you are the most visible party representation - a clown!
The position of the viewer
All full and emotional life takes place in the arena. Until now you were an active participant in this presentation. Now we invite you to leave the arena at the spectator stands and from watching what was happening, not included in this view. You can laugh or sympathize with what is happening, but you removed from the action, it's all - not yours. This position allows you to not "hooked" for any particular very important value for you - you're just an observer. But to be among the spectators on the podium - it's your conscious choice. If you choose to participate in some kind of "representation" (love, job growth, great salary, etc.), you can safely descend into the arena and take an active part in current affairs, achieving his goal. Play a game of "Life is a Game" (about this position, we'll explain later). When the goal is reached, return to the podium. And do not let anyone force you to pull off the arena and include some sort of representation.
Try on your cap (!!!)
It is very important to understand that if you are dissatisfied with something, with someone to abuse or blame someone, then you - have a clown, are on the scene and participate in the public view. Have you on the head cap with bells and a bright sign, which indicated the role that you perform in the circus life. And there are a variety of roles such as the following. "Victim of a scoundrel," "Wife goat" - it shields for wives, with delight telling others about what kind of monster or villain of their husband. "I teach all to live," "Domestic Terrorist", "Superkontroler," "Breathe on my team" - for people who like to "build" their loved ones, and no end to intervene in their lives with their teachings or comments.
Coming up with his clown role, need to step back from their experiences, to look at them from the side. Become like a stranger, who laugh at all your emotional spasm, because it is not included in the process and can judge of everything only on the external forms of its manifestation. If you can both look at ourselves and come up with a funny name of your role, your experience sharply devalued. You will become ridiculous that before seemed insoluble, or terrible. The interesting thing about this is that the vast majority of people with gusto plays a role in the circus life, not having itself no real purpose! Actually, the very participation in this process clown for many is their life. And people can not even imagine that one could live in any other way, without coming any minute in a senseless struggle for nonexistent target. Try it!
What does it mean to be on the podium
Be on the viewing platform does not mean that you should only contemplate and do nothing. Not at all. You perform all the required rules of behavior - go to the service, develop work plans and executes them, preparing a paper to negotiate, arguing with suppliers or partners, making love, etc In any case, you need to wait, and you can either take it as given you an objective reality and calmly awaiting the implementation of the desired event, watching life around them. Either you wait for the same event, but it'll be experiencing, conflict or even a soothing drink tablets, ie, participate actively in the representation of the arena. With a cap like: "There is no happiness without mastic" or "Victim of mastic conspiracy."
Sometimes you need to play up the surrounding
What is interesting, sometimes a person has apart from his desire to still participate in the circus, otherwise he may have undesirable complexity.
Give an example of such a situation. Natalie works in a small organization in which all employees - female and her male leads. Directs it is not very good, allowing a number of mistakes, but higher management prefers not to notice this - they, too, men and their pleasant chat with him. Therefore, the main subject of informal talks is to discuss women's team (or more precisely - condemnation) actions their boss. Natalia also took an active part in this view, accumulating experience with the ensuing consequences in the form of "educational" process by Life. But the work of Natalie really liked, and she did not want to go there. In the end she had to again join the company of clowns, that is, begin to curse his boss with the others. However, now she was only playing the role of "clown" without condemning his head in a shower and do not accumulate new experiences, and how would mocking his new role. She apparently returned to the team, and colleagues ceases to survive with her work.