Obstacles to goal
Theoretically possible two different strategies to achieve any desired goal. First - this is the way power struggle, of overcoming difficulties. In the animal world is an analog of the behavior of bison and wild boar, which no one feared and demolish all obstacles to the goal . Some people and operate in life, hard and with enthusiasm to overcome numerous obstacles. One can say that their entire life is devoted to the fight. They even like obstacles, as they can experience life in its fullness - yet lack of health, of course. It is clear that to succeed in this way requires considerable courage, inner confidence in victory, a big energy, innate leadership skills. Such a set of quality has not everyone, so people winning is not much.
The second option - a way of calmly and confidently achieve their goals that excludes participation in the conflict, struggle, overcoming many difficulties. This is the way the wise man who does not spend their strength to fight with people who do not realize that they are doing. The second path comes a greater number of people who do not possess outstanding leadership qualities. We will consider it his. We will learn to walk toward the desired goal by listening to those signals, which are constantly sending us life, and taking advantage of her help and support. Life all the time interacting with us, but we are not used to listen to her tips and give her proper instructions. Us that no one has taught, so we make many mistakes, which are the reason that our wishes come true.
We live in a world of abundance
In principle, our world is almost everything that anyone could enjoy life and develop spiritually. It has a lot of wealth: money, cars, housing, clothing, food and much more. In a world of much beauty, happiness, love, men and women, children, joy, creativity and everything else. Another thing is that all these incalculable riches are distributed very unevenly, with some there is something in an explicit excess, at others, respectively, in the lack of. Why is this happening and can I change this, but not enforced by the carve-up of at all - this way we have been through - and in some other way? Are likely to be.
So would happen if every person will not wait for the grace of God, government or some other external sources of wealth, and begin to use their potentially huge opportunity for creating the life that he wants to have. In principle, people do it, but make a lot of mistakes that lead to frustrating results. So the first thing that needs to be done on the way to the desired objectives - to cease to commit the same mistakes. To get started, simply list them, and then look at each detail.
Unknowingly bought himself into trouble
The first and most common mistake is that we unconsciously bought himself into trouble. We do not monitor their thoughts, and in fact they are the source of the reality in which we live. Thought generates actions, actions produce results. Our endless fears and doubts there is a direct order of what we later obtain and with which then a long and unsuccessful fight. One would think that people - being reasonable, why did he do that? Maybe we - Civilization masochists? But not everyone does some people good shape myself quite good things, and events. Probably, and other "martyrs" would be nice to learn to behave the same way. The second chapter of first part, we discuss how people unknowingly use their potential to create myself all sorts of trouble.
Are working on someone else's program
Next massive mistake - an unconscious working out the programs and ideas that have invested in our parents, friends, books, community, church, government, politics, media, etc. We like robots, are working on these programs, and then moan: "Why so bad, why no love, money, respect, and everything else?" And because most people do not even realize why they do this or that choice. They are not taught to think about it, they enjoy inspired by someone installations. And then they have to reap the fruits of their unconscious actions. The solution is simple - just to see what ideas or programs are the basis of your actions that you're picked up and they make your life happier and more successful. If not, then why do you they have been infected?
Do not let life be different
Another very common mistake - fighting for their ideals in any sphere of life. Most of us are obsessed with fighting with their neighbors: a husband or wife, parent, child, boss or subordinate, and other people in the close surroundings. Or are passionate about fighting with ourselves. Life is constantly trying to reason with these fighters for their personal "truth", but who hears it? Everyone fights for his ideals to the end, sparing no efforts, health and many years of life and ruined everything. It is clear that this is not up to joy and self-knowledge, when you can not prove that you're only human, and all others are profoundly mistaken. Exit here alone - to let other people have opinions and be like, what they are. But who would agree?
Indistinctly muttering about their view
But even if we did not order his troubles, no strangers are working on programs such as "man was created only for work and do not fight for their ideals, anyway, we can not get what we want. And not because we are unworthy of the performance of their desires, but only because I do not know what we want. Or know, but only at the level of "moo" and not at the level of clear articulation of what the aim. If you said "I want to have as much money for me to live quietly," it does not mean that the money you will be more, although your desire might be fulfilled in full. You can just casually sharply reduce their material needs and existing money you would grab you with excess. In general, it is important to know very clearly and just as articulate, to which you aspire. Otherwise, you will either get nothing or get something quite different to aspire to. If you do not know what to want, then you will not get anything.
Four groups of obstacles to the goal
So, all our many complexity can be reduced to four groups of obstacles to the desired goal. In shape it can be presented as a situation where between man and desired outcomes, there are four major obstacles to the goal that he should be removed. Of course, there are many smaller obstacles, but globally all our difficulties can be divided into four large groups. And fight with them, applying for that all their forces, or simply remove them from your path - you choose. Until now, you chose to fight. Perhaps after reading this book you will prefer the other way? Anything can happen. Anyway, we try to give you the tools to remove these obstacles from the path to the desired goals. And will you use it or not, depends entirely on you.
These are, in our opinion, the main obstacles to ensure that any person lived a life he wants to create for itself. This is precisely the main obstacles that create the need to fight and overcome, the vast flow of vital energy and infinite experience. If they are removed from the path, the desired goals will be a natural and interesting event, and your life - a joyful and harmonious. You will become a darling of life and its closest friends - good luck!