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Occupational dysfunction

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Occupational dysfunction

Diagnosis of occupational dysfunction (PD) is that based on the analysis of symptoms is determined whether there is occupational dysfunction . Realizing that in the professional field something goes wrong, there were failures in its operation must be as accurate as possible to identify the type of occupational dysfunction that takes place. Worth bearing in mind that often occurs in practice, the transition from one form to another TD that made it more difficult to work with them, so this kind of transition may take a few hours or a few years. Also, the diagnostic phase, should take into account the fact that different types of PD can simultaneously develop and their effects overlap. In this case, you must select the main and side occupational dysfunction, and, naturally produce first primary treatment.

For diagnosing PD can be used and the analysis of the degree of influence on the professional field. Use, analysis of this parameter will decide on what resources we can spend on lechenie.Dlya diagnosis on the degree of influence on the professional field, more often uses the following main peak condition:
1) the impact of professional activities remains the same;

2) the impact of professional activity is reduced while increasing the resources spent for its implementation;

3) significantly reduced the impact of professional activities;

4) professional activity impossible.

Having carried, the state of the professional field to one of the indicators, the results of diagnosis can take a final decision about what to do. The main purpose of diagnosis is to gather the necessary information to make decisions about future directions and methods of treatment. But this is just information, as diagnosis can not answer the main question - "What to do." It is a matter of each person to decide. But, as practice shows, the first and second state from the list of occupational areas, due to the fact that they are not critical, can carry out treatment, while performing work. Since in the third case, the results of professional activities in any case, already falling, and do about it nothing is impossible, we can take some time off and spend money on treatment. Price of the issue in this case, it results. The fourth option by itself implies that the performance of professional activity impossible, and, accordingly, nothing to lose. Therefore, you have no choice but to devote all resources to cure "Professional dysfunction.

How to deal?

In each case the decision of working with occupational dysfunction, must be taken because of the particular circumstances. For example, even diagnosed what any professional dysfunction is in the third, then there is a critical phase, with no possibility to devote sufficient time to treatment is justified for professional activity in active development and progression of dysfunction. To do this, there is a specific type of technology management professional dysfunction - "Working in a non-stop."

Another diagnostic problem is to determine the specific features of PD, its features in a particular situation, which is especially important to develop a treatment plan. Depending on the specific situation as well as the phase and stage of development of PD treatment plan can be developed in the following forms:

1) the combination treatment with their work;

2) reducing the volume of professional work, to free up time and other resources to implement treatment programs;

3) suspension of professional activities, to implement the therapy;

4) termination of professional activity for the implementation of treatment programs.

At this stage must be commensurate specific situation and treatment program. After that, how on the basis of diagnosis, will be determined by the specific form of treatment programs, selection of methods and techniques of treatment will be greatly simplified, and the effectiveness of treatment increases. In fact, certain forms of treatment programs is critical, essential, even for the reason that the change in her since the beginning of treatment is undesirable. Combination therapy with their work. This form of treatment programs based on the fact that, simultaneously with their work will be provided medical treatment, so to speak "on the job."

Practice shows that this form is most acceptable to most people, for the reason that it does not bring significant damage to the profession. But by selecting its worth it, given the fact that the effectiveness of treatment in this kind of regime significantly reduced, and takes much longer. Also, for the implementation of treatment needed to have great inner potential of goal-setting and tseledostizheniya that including dependent on the willpower and desire. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the methods and treatment technologies being implemented in conjunction with professional activities. The difference between them, professional activity (work) - is the result of the functioning of the professional field, and treatment - a repair operation of the professional field, greatly complicates the achievement of goals. Imagine the scenario: you are traveling by car, but you have occurred any damage, but not stopping the car, you start to repair it. Agree zadachka not an easy one, about the same you have to realize, if you choose the first form of treatment programs. The choice of this form is justified, if DD is in first or second phase of its life cycle. If the scale of the problem is greater, you should choose a different, more appropriate in this situation, a course of action.

Reducing the level of professional activity, in order to free up time and other resources for the implementation of treatment programs. This form of treatment programs based on a reasonable combination of necessary resources to achieve goals and results. This requires some degree of damage to determine PD, that is, how much suffering the impact of professional activities. And, based on the calculation of direct losses, ie the extent to which decreases or has already decreased the effectiveness of professional activity, can have arguments to calculate the financial loss, and in accordance with this and how much time and money can be allocated for treatment. In other words, this form of treatment program is based on sober calculation - it is better to spend money on treatment than incur losses, which, depending on the extent of PD can be quite significant.

Suspension of professional activities, to implement the treatment. This is the most optimal form of treatment programs, as it allows, in principle, without losing the achievements of professional boundaries, to correct existing dysfunction. In practice, this takes the form of leave, during which, and implementing a program of treatment. Agree that it is sometimes better to take a "time out", than end up losing everything. The use of such forms of treatment programs can implement the most complex and in-depth treatment technology, which in other cases it is impossible to apply. However, the effectiveness of treatment and will be much higher because, even on its own concentration on one subject - the restoration itself, the most precise direct resources and, accordingly, to achieve greater results.
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