Office Romance
Triangle - the most dangerous geometric figure in love. And what if the love triangle is somewhat unusual: you - your loved one - your favorite job. Yes, what if you have a common work and common interests? It is not easy to turn office romance. It generates a lot of factors that infringe upon your personal interests: there are rumors of colleagues, and the need to compete with someone you love, and, most importantly, a very difficult dilemma: whose career is more important? Of course, the easiest way (especially if your novel does not last so long and with eyes still have not slept rose-colored glasses) shrugged and said: "Of course his / her career is more important." Yet if you look at things in a sober look, it becomes clear that this way of thinking is very shortsighted. On what basis you concluded that your career is not important? Why did you give in to the palm to your partner? Do not you think that deserve professional growth and a bright future?
For example, my colleague Uliana met her future husband at work he loves. They were both journalists, highly ambitious and breakdown. Elias was not as diligent as Juliana, but not devoid of talent. And so for some time in their careers have developed synchronously. But one day the editor called Ulyanov and offered her his seat: "I turn to another journal and would like to recommend you to his post. You're capable of and responsible, you could do. " Uliana gladly accepted and within a month sitting in the editorial chair.
Initially, Ilya, it would seem, even to be glad for his bride. But very soon the problems started. Ilya for no apparent reason changed, became more and be back home later: "It is a high authority like you, Juliana, could leave the office at six, as journalists, if you remember, must work day and night." Juliana could not safely edit articles lover, knowing that each of its amendment could cause another domestic quarrel. In the end, even their wedding they had planned for six months before Ul'yanin increase, was under threat.
Ilya said that is not going to be Alfonso and henpecked, and therefore refuses to marry a woman above his position and status. And Juliana gave up. She left the editorial office and went to work a reporter in another publication. And Ilya deftly took the vacant editorial office. Of course, assumed that the sacrifices in the name of love - is a noble cause. However, before you go to them, ask yourself again: what you easier - find a new job or a new love. Sometimes advantageous to keep the relationship, sometimes a career. Try to analyze what is in your interests and pursue its strategy.