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Old love does not rust or goodbye forever

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Old love does not rust or goodbye forever

Every divorce - a small tragedy, a mini-crash, after which the remains of destroyed ruins relationships, the ashes of love, wounded soul. Then, not everyone can regain family happiness. Someone, of course, finds it, but there are those who, remembering the old love, the bitter sighs yes looks like a tear - that would bring everything back ...

ONLY! "The simplest thing and the right decision - after unsuccessful attempts to arrange a personal life to return to the former" - some say. After all, who, as he did not, so dear and familiar, is able to wipe away the tears of despair! Women hoping to restore relations with the former husband or boyfriend, more common among characters RESONANT ELEMENTS - air and water. These elements are in constant motion, making the Gemini, Libra, Aquarius (vs. air) and Rakov, Scorpios, Pisces (Water) often choose strange, in the opinion of others, the options unions. In particular, the return of old, but still not "rusty" love they do not see anything wrong. And often right. It is not excluded because, after divorce the ex-husband managed to get rid of the shortcomings that eventually brought about the collapse of the family boat. It is also possible that, once again united, the two will not repeat past mistakes and try to build a new stage of more harmonious relations ... It is noticed that the Twins, Libra, Aquarius second marriage with one and the same man is fortunate in that if both were disappointed in other marriages. But for cancer, Scorpion, Pisces important joint experiences of some dangerous situations (eg, illness, childbirth, accidents), which is known a new partner but the stories and does not cause in his mind the proper emotional response.

ALWAYS AGAINST! "There is nothing worse than coming back to the former - say others. - The same river can not enter twice. No, only forward." And there is a truth. Hardly a disintegrated family had an ideal relationship. A rare woman agrees to a divorce if her husband - the sample of virtue, so do not tempt fate again. So often argue women born under the signs of Nonresonant Lyrics - Fire and Earth. In support of its position impose strong arguments: the character with age does not improve, and grudges and humiliations suffered by the process of divorce, tightly cut into the memory, which the representatives of non-resonant elements much better than others. Has a meaning and nature of the relationship with a former husband or boyfriend. For example, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (Fire) give a glow of love that in case of failure, leaving behind no man, and, figuratively speaking, emotional ruins. Simply have nowhere else to go back. Psychologists believe that a successful leap into the past for the fire signs is possible only in one case: if we are talking about a return to first love, which is at the heart of characters remains the main element of Fire. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn (earth element) in the majority Monogamous. For them, divorce - now an earthquake and the collapse of vital ideals. If this happens, the ex-spouse - the number one enemy to gray hair.
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