Animals are human's best friends ever in life.They can trust on them so easily...
Everyone wants their pet in their home...somebody wants dogs,cats ,fish
in aquarium and many more pets as per their convience.
Human being loved pets ....it shows by their names.They can called
them by their nick names likes....sweeti,king,cutie...and many more.

Different pets were used in different works.......like dogs are used in house keeping,cats are used in making your house free from mouses.
We often use the pets name to tell stories to our children.children loved that.
True animal lovers are a special clan of people that like to associate with others of
their kind.

Animals are amazing creatures that provide enjoyment and happiness to their owner's.
But before owned pets peoples should know how to treat with them.
Always treat them with love and politeness.
If you loved them..They will surely loved you and always look afters you.
You also used them in different types of competions as well.
Animals are human's well wishers ...so always loved them..do not mis behave with them.Handle with care.