The three branches of Vedic astrology are as old as the study of the stars itself. It is interesting to note that astronomy, as well as interpretive and predictive astrology, are all parts and parcels of this discipline. Within the society of India, astrology is featured strongly, and there are very few major life changing decisions that are made without the input of a skilled Vedic astrologer. The same is even true for hiring decisions, and, while education and skill are paramount for a good many positions that require filling, when there are numerous applicants for one post it is not at all uncommon to employ the help of astrological charting to find out who will be the best candidate to take over the job.

It is interesting to note that the premier position Vedic astrology holds in Indian society got another boost when in the year 2001 Indian universities began offering entire career paths and degree programs in astrological studies. Initially this idea was met with scorn and anger, and many a professional in the university system was dead set against the idea that astrology would be afforded the same respect and training as mathematics, physics, and education, but with the high court's ruling, there was no possibility of denying this new policy in the Indian education system.

As Vedic astrology is upheld by the Supreme Court of India, the scoffing that would have it relegated into the realms of pseudoscience has effectively been silenced. Instead, the courses now offered by the university system are known as "science of astrology" or Vedic astrology, and as such they may be taken on the graduate and also post graduate levels. This sets up an entire generation of astrologists to enter the field highly trained and able to continue on the practice of this form of astrology that is of such significance to the Indian people.

It is evident in the court's reasoning that the underlying issue that would have bona fide scientists butting heads with a discipline that is highly interpretive, and for which there are not replicable experiments to perform, almost smacks of the discussion ongoing in the United States with respect to the study and teaching of creationism over evolution. Unlike the American solution, however, India does not see a problem with offering a course of study in Vedic astrology and actually revels in the freedom of students to choose such a degree if this is indeed the kind of position or professional path that they would opt for.