Only you decide who to love
Because of what is most often affects women? Well, of course, because of his passionate love for a man who does not respond to them in return. And it does not matter how old lady love - fifteen or forty-five - love makes us helpless and vulnerable at any age. However, if in his early youth suffering - a necessary and very important part of love, in his mature years incorporeal languish and suffer, you see, as something silly and unnatural! Stupid - because whatever it is you have already passed eleven years ago, and commercials are unlikely given the state of helplessness and mental torment deserves to be back in his fall; unnaturally - because you're already an experienced woman and should know how to make a difference. In fact, a young girl who first fell in love, yet does not feel feminine power, and therefore it is easy to manipulate, but you somehow have not a naive little girl and, of course, has repeatedly tried his charms on the men, so why are you suddenly forget about it?
If the battlefield puzzled rookie, he was by virtue of his inexperience and youth will forgive this sin, but if scared and throwing everything will run a general, then that he would never forget, this is not a misdemeanor, and crime. Grasped my point? Love - it's not a reason, to lose common sense and abandon its own instructive life experience! Incidentally, teenage love, even unrequited, as a rule, does not need consolation: the young lady at night, drenching the pillow with tears, yet feel strangely satisfied. One happy because they finally waited in the wings and can experience what so many have read and heard. Some of the girls thus fill a void in his soul - do not be this love, would have been different, for they love - a vital necessity, something that is compulsory and natural.
Very rarely, in fourteen-sixteen love is hopeless; vkontse all lovers teenage girls genuinely believe that they have all yet to come, that they have met my prince (or be able to win the heart of him who suffered for now), the very young on the side of the young Juliette. Of course, I do not want to say that they have all so rosy, however, as a rule (although, as you know of any rule there are exceptions!), A teen suffering is not truly dark black ink. Feelings such as despair, hatred and hopelessness, a lot more women coming of age.
I think it would be only fair if I first paying attention to the problems of the young (pervoy!) love, and only then move on to the love of "adult". After all the suffering of young virgins - so if I may say so, attempt to write a sketch for a future picture, and how beautiful is this love, depends largely on future relations between men and women. And all you can say to those who love the first time, it is - LOVE! Allow yourself to feel everything! Enjoy, covet, to suffer, feels bitterness and disappointment and yet never for a moment forget that it is - love, your first real strong feeling for a man! However, possibly as a woman - I find it easier to talk about heterosexual relationships, as I myself in this respect a long time and clearly defined, but it does not mean that I reject all or treat with disdain for homosexual couples.
Actually, it's only you to decide whom to love . The most important thing for you to understand that love, whatever it was, still beautiful and amazing, without it you would have been much worse life would be empty and colorless ... What is not an argument in favor of the first feelings? If you (speaking to teenage girls) did not manage to cope with anxiety, resentment and other negative feelings generated by the unfortunate unrequited love, then you always have the opportunity to be comforted in another way: begin to think of revenge person responsible for your sorry state, consider how to make himself in love with you, catch him in a psychological trap!
You will become much easier, I assure you (if you think it's easy for me to advise because I have not had an unhappy love affair of fifteen years, you're wrong!). Until that time is on your side and your mirror every morning telling you that you no hurry. That, and rejoice - firmly believe in the fact that "the villain still regret", and stop harassing and reproach myself. A simple but effective way! A little more optimism, the young ladies, and everything will be fine, see for yourself! Of course, I do not want my words hung in the air, naked. I am very interested for many years a variety of subtleties and nuances of a woman's love, so I have a lot of fun and instructive examples from the life that I want to bring to your attention. Older women, reading these stories Nonfictional, smile and remember their first love, and young girls who are directly in the midst of this feeling, perhaps, draw to themselves some important information. And in fact, and in another case, I'll be glad.