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Order your favorite

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Order your favorite

Errors in the device of privacy is made more than you can imagine. If you remember, we used a model in which artists of our orders are egregors - the inhabitants of the invisible world. They capture the energy of our thoughts and desires and help us to achieve stated objectives. But try to do it with minimal effort for itself, sometimes only formally fulfilling the conditions stated. Opportunities for the benefit of the ambiguity inherent in our language. As a result, people get the result, but it does not completely satisfied with them, and they begin to "adjust" the favorite in a desired direction. It is clear that nothing good comes out of this adjustment is not obtained. But could do without it, it was worth only at the beginning to more clearly formulate the result that you wish to receive. But who would want to strain ... Maybe it'll go right away.

Many people refuse to even formulate something that they want to. More precisely, they are still formulating their desires, but more than a vague form, for example: "I do not know what I want, let God decide ..." "I believe in destiny ..." "Love - this is a miracle. Miracle can not create itself, it is the will of Providence ... "etc. All these statements suggest that people refuse to deliberately create your reality, and allow life decided their fate as she wants. And we have said that orders life realizes the best way only for people who do not have the idealization and filling their "drive experience" does not exceed 40%. But such people are not much. Most from an early age are full of ideals, and life has to give them lessons of the spiritual "education" in the process of family life. Especially in letting things take their course and declare that you accept all that God sends you. " And accept without complaining that you are offering life. But nobody takes! Everyone starts the battle for the mess that they had received as a result of its order is incorrect.

Formulate a desirable goal
Therefore, to have less fighting in the future family life (just do not happen without it), it is better to try to figure out what suits you in the future, ie, how to be your partner in family life, that your life together has been a long and joyful. What to do this? Unfortunately, not too little. First - to understand themselves: what fears, unconscious benefits, external program, or idealize lodged in your subconscious. Modify or eliminate these internal barriers. Then you need to understand what you want in the future family life, except love of ecstatic states, what kind of family you wish to have, and formulate it into words. Recommendations for the compilation of the formula to your goal, we have already mentioned in the second part of the book.

One of them, if you remember, suggests that we should not dissemble in front of him, and say life is what you want in reality. If you are only interested in high-energy state of euphoria of love (as in his youth is a typical main goal), then whether to immediately pull your favorite (or favorite) in a registry office? " Or are you afraid that you may withdraw this buzz, and you do not get it from anyone? So work with your fear and learn to trust life and not try to fix the situation by means of marriage. Love in captivity goes much faster than at large. Have a love, then another, then a third - as long as your goal will not change, and you want to get something more than love euphoria. This is an important element of a happy family life, but by no means unique.

If communicating with your partner is important, just sex, then again, is it worth just drag you liked the sexual partner in the registry office? Of course, very convenient to have his "hand" every night is a big plus for family life. But if you do not connect nothing but sex, it is unlikely he will be able to compensate you with all the other delights of family life. So first try to understand what you want to get into reality of family life. And can we all get a free marriage (for example, "civil" marriage without the formalization of relations)? If yes, many times consider whether you should rush to formalize your relationship. Clearly, this is when they have someone to formalize. If there's no one beside you, someone you could quickly drag in a registry office and thus secure their rights to it, then beware of what you are hinting Life through the absence of such a subject. Above what you need to work to change the situation. "Including the brain."

And then clearly specify is what you seek and what you want to get into family life. Place the order is not the fact capture a loved one, and the life you want to get away with it! " Book the right end result and not an interim. We give some examples of more or less successful formulas for women, because traditionally they are more concerned with the issue of creating a family. So, will order his favorite:

-I create a happy family with a loved and loving my man, and we live a secured life in mutual love and respect.

-I create a happy family of my beloved and loving man who gives me the opportunity to develop my interests.

-I am starting a life together with her beloved and loving me, financially secure and generous to me man, I was ready to contain and to love our three children.

 In these formulas can also find options for incorrect implementation, and not quite getting the result which will suit you all. Make your formula, which is fully suit you and show you the most accurate. Do not forget to enter the place all the important requirements for you, or your favorite is not obliged to meet them. It is clear that here there is a contradiction. If you enter a formula too many requirements for the future narrowing (tall, with a separate flat, with revenue of $ 500 per month, not having mistresses, ex-wives and children, non-drinker, nerevnivy, independent, sportive, non-smoker who does not have the power moms not having many relatives, etc.), then it may be that such men do not exist in nature, it is the fruit of your fantasies. Or, if there are isolated instances, but now they are all busy and do not be freed soon. Therefore, your order will be fulfilled in the foreseeable future, despite all your positive and sincere desire to meet the elect. So do not overdo it with your requirements, otherwise life can have difficulties with the execution of your order.

 "Try on" all the surrounding

If you do not know what kind of man (men - women) you're satisfied, it is recommended not to hurry and take the next several months to ensure that clear what set of qualities must have your partner. And the quality is quite real, and not inspired by reading romance novels and watching movies: noble, generous, rich (and thus strongly snoring at night and think only about your business). This is done by the "contradiction". You find out what you do not like a particular man, and automatically assume that your vote should be something opposite.

Do not fuss with it! Identify the truly important figures for you is not easy, it requires different situations, rather than just a cursory review of the "let it be so and so." Will, no doubt. But in addition to loving wife Tapping on Saturdays, and Sundays will be collected at home and 25 of their relatives, whom you will have to feed and wash them dishes. And why not? You do not even thought about how to spend leisure time and entertainment for your next chosen one. So do not hurry. You build your life for years to come, so Take this issue seriously. At least once.
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