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Organization of life

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Organization of life

Successful people are people are not necessarily the most strong-willed. Often they are people just smart, that without a fight with him and without volitional jaw receive high-quality results due to intelligent self-organization. In a brief statement of the system of intelligent self-organization consists of three blocks.


Dream before my eyes.

Easy to start, harder steps.

Positive experience.

External support to do together.


Pressed for time: a short high load.

Make it a habit.

Time management: plan and schedule cases.
Learn more.


Scarecrow before your eyes.

Competition and Challenge: "Weak?"

Declare on liabilities.

Put yourself on the money.


You can make yourself, and you can motivate, arouse a desire. It's a bit more complicated and troublesome than the pressure on myself, but the results are far more attractive. Methods, which makes it easy to start a new business:

Dream before my eyes

Put a rule in earnest dream at least once a month: in the company of friends or loved ones is fun, but you can own. What namechtali, to realize what is visible and bright: text reminder and a collage from magazine clippings, computer graphics in your talented performance - most importantly, to end up with a piece of A4 with predvoploscheniem your dreams every day turned out before your eyes.

Where you hang this piece inspires you: in the bedroom to day began with a beautiful dream? In his office, to make it clear for what work? In the kitchen over the stove, not to forget to think about most?

Easy to start, harder stages

Big goals, like a long journey, initially daunting. At the same time most people a little superstitious, and often talk like this: "If the case went immediately - so this is my business. And if you just like it does not stack, so it is a sign: do not do that. " Okay, and superstition can be to our advantage: just make sure not to just start a new business for you went easy and pleasant. Make sure that the hard way was easy to start, and the road will turn into an interesting adventure

We must learn driving - do not torment yourself a nasty otzhatiem clutch and shifting gears naughty, take a car with an automatic and enjoyable for yourself as an instructor. Sit in the driver's seat in my pleasure, play the wheel, find the best position for the hands and slowly adjust for a comfortable seat and adjust the mirrors.

If you are afraid of machines, let the instructor will take you to a large free area where the crash is not physically in that: a ride out there with no gas around half an hour hour, afraid to get tired - you want them more interesting route and high speeds. Well, well, that's the next time, and while it was only easy to start! With the success of you! Total: accustom themselves any more difficult thing to break down harder stages and specifically to equip yourself easy, successful, successful start. Then, any very long road will turn into an interesting adventure.

Positive experience

Sign a notebook luck. Well go ahead whoever believes in its success, who knows what he usually succeeds. If you tell yourself: "I never have obtained," "I can not", "This I just can not do it," I forget everything, as always, you collect your negative experience and behave in a failure. Collect your and others' positive experiences to remember and write it down. Sign a notebook Success: daily record back then, that today you have done successfully, that today you turned out your findings and your victories.

For serious human face of fierce: every day, read at least one last page and write down at least three of today's success. One can be difficult to organize themselves, that's when it agreed to do that together, it starts and goes much easier. If you want to run in the mornings, the best thing about this agreement with someone of his friends, then one day it will support your call the other day you arrange for a call. Find the number of people who will support you.

You started, and this is important, but when addicted, it will go by itself. If you decide to start to be tightened, but sometimes forget about it, ask someone to remind you of home - usually someone starts to do it with real pleasure. And you begin to do useful exercise. If you feel that your determination to move their lives forward weakens, find a circle of people who will support you in this. Many go to a good psychological training is not only and not for the knowledge and skills, both for the support and energy that they usually get there.

Well, you started to do what you want - then you need to work vigorously for a long time. Here you can help the organization of life: it does not stick and no carrot, no bribery or coercion, but such a natural organization of life, when all that should happen, happens by itself. For example, the walls in your apartment: strictly speaking, they govern your movement when you walk out the hallway to the kitchen or bedroom. But at the same time say that they are "forced" you to go a certain route ... - no, the walls are not forced to. They just are as they are, and you go that route, which built a wall. This is the organization of life .

Mode time trouble

One of the toughest regimes for vigorous work - is a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere where "no drips" and the matter can be put off minute by minute, hour after hour, day after day ... Another thing - time pressure mode, a short high load, when you simply need to quickly get together and do everything. One, two, together made - super! Satisfied, a proud, vigorous energy. After that (obligatory!) indulge in a mild pleasant holiday recovery. Rest - again vigorous work.

If you want to clean the room today, do not stretch it out over the day and agree with each other (and better yet with someone) makes it clear: 15 minutes to disassemble the cabinet (only), 15 minutes to restore order on the table (not a minute more! !), 15 minutes, wipe the dust and vacuum the floor (time to train !!!), and then - the absolute freedom and perfect joy! Do nothing and suffer the fact that things do not go - silly. Better identify yourself time for a vigorous work, invest properly, and then be happy to do what you want. Long live the timely time trouble!
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