Orgasmic sex
Orgasmic sex brings not only pleasure but also leads to non-standard condition, which in the esoteric world called the exit to the astral plane. The fact that the number of neural connections in the human brain exceeds the number of stars in the visible universe. Therefore, the energy-metal discharges, slipped along the nerve fibers during orgasm, include the work of the deep brain regions that are normally dormant. Due to these discharges in a brief moment of activated structures (departments) of the brain, which in everyday life, working either in a passive mode, or in a dream, or as echoes of intuition. During orgasm the woman feels all-powerful, and easy zero-gravity suddenly elevates all of its natural to feel as if the soul or the subtle-energy nature of the female body is separated from the physical body and is carried away into the abyss of space.
First, how would overcome the layers of stellar spaces, then there are news flashes, carrying a variety of pictures - of utterly incomprehensible to wonderfully colorful, full of scenes. They deliver a woman indescribable delight. In connection with such a manifestation of the female eccentricity ascetic and religious communities consider women who experience such states, the witches. That is why in the Middle Ages throughout Europe blazed the fires, and almost all sensitive women killed. It was during the Middle Ages, the legend of a coven who fly on Bald Mountain for orgies. That is why some women confessed under torture that do sometimes fly off somewhere. Astral state, accompanying orgasm experience is not all. Many women who see the colorful images, hear the amazing beauty of chants, great music, but rarely talk about it. Cause you can not understand what is happening to them.

And happening to them act connection with the energy of love, constantly filling of earth, near-Earth and extraterrestrial space. As I said at the beginning of the book, the entire space of the universe energized love. Woman after an orgasm it is immersed in it. Immersing it lasts a few minutes. But for some women it may last a few hours (!). The information that women derive from the astral (Vedic) space, in other cases it is truly stunning, because women suddenly clearly understand everything that happens in their lives and the lives of their loved ones. Returning from this trip and opened my eyes, a woman, stealing a glance at the spouse can easily determine - when, where and how it will occur or that event. Wives of husbands are advised to do this or that way because they saw how the future will unfold in the situation, what events will affect the fate of the wife that he was destined to survive.
Orgasmic state, efferent woman in the astral plane - the state that any woman experiencing an orgasm, can in itself develop. For this we must fully surrender to surging feelings during the act of love, while fondling and affection. At a time when the orgasm comes from partners at the same time, a woman does not need to cling to the real world, on the contrary, we must try to slip out of his own body and take away their nature as far as possible and above, to surrender to a hurricane an amazing feeling. After some time to achieve such states would be given easier, and after a while the woman will start to see images. The only thing that should explain this phenomenon - not clairvoyance. That is to order the information in this state is impossible, because it is out of control.
Women astral flights occur much more frequently than men, because men - being too logical. The woman, in contrast to men, being sensuous. Woman does not need to explain yourself, what exactly was happening to her. Woman simply trust their feelings. If a man also wants to experience levitation spiritual flight, it has all their cells, all of his feelings at the moment of orgasmic state of women like stick, stick to it shells netelesnogo properties. And at that moment he could feel his energy separates from the body of some power and pulled behind the woman in nadprostranstvennoe state. If the partners will make the most sense to each other and give each other a full desire to love, like the state of flight in the astral they have become frequent. These states rejuvenate and bring great wisdom in our reality. Men whose partner - female witches, of course, happy man who was not brought their women and not brought to the supersensible astral flight. That such states in the old days were called mystical eroticism of witches and sorcerers. That these states are afraid of the Christian and Catholic monks-ascetics.
The fact is that if a woman has learned to seek such states, it is just as easily can manage their erotic energy, sending her favorite person in the distance, feeling the moments in which he needed help and support. This skill is just different ancient witches. orgasmic sex in this case is triggered only as a mechanism to execute the energy body of a woman. In conclusion, we wish to partner: loving one another, feel with every fiber of the soul, all the cells of your physical body and all the sensual elements of thin bodies. At the time of the merger blend into one, then a man and woman will be happy. Woman on the wings of love will make energy a substance men podprostranstvennye Energy, where he will also understand and accept the Vedic information world. Secrets of women are still not figured out, science is silent on this score. Secrets of Love the more will never be solved. Love one another and raduyte.