Our habits
Do we need a special motivation to wash in the morning, brushing my hair and get dressed? No, we do it usually on the machine, just out of habit. We are made of habit and our habits - is the result of repetition. The habit is usually formed by 21 days, and that previously required the efforts for himself, becomes easy and familiar. You have decided to pour cold water: even if you started in the summer and you liked, you must first effort to organize themselves for this. Three weeks later, it became a habit, it became natural, and the fortieth day habit is becoming a necessity: if today is not oblilis you already as strange. Already something is missing ...
Subtotal: if a new start and every time to throw, torment themselves week, you're whole life will only suffer. If you train yourself to be a new bit longer, the new becomes familiar and natural. Earlier, someone else becomes ours. Terms remember: 21 days and 40 days. Do not rush to throw that hard. A week later, it becomes a habit!
Time management: plan and schedule cases
One of the best habits of successful people - do yourself a morning routine of affairs and quietly all do, with these guidelines. Ask themselves hard targets, if time is short, and a lot of cases. Have flexible guidelines, when things are not rigidly bound. And all this then, so as not to strain during the day that the head was a free and focus on the essentials, and not on "oh, and have time or do not have time?". And at the end of the day is - amazing! - A sense of pride and relaxation: "Today I have so many important things done, and yet full of strength, and the whole evening ahead!
If you do this morning was an image of the future of the day, made a list of what you plan to do today, distributing all things in order and tied all mandatory to a certain time, your day is easily and clearly. As the plan. And as you no longer need special methods of self-motivation: you and so do what is scheduled for today. Try it - you'll love!
Teach the order of another
One of the best ways to train yourself to order - is to begin to teach to order someone from relatives or friends. "Once he said - he did not understand. Two said - could not understand. The third time he said - I actually was understood, and he still does not understand! "This is one of the traditional joys of a coach, leading the psychological groups: training are encouraged in the first place of the coach. Therefore, the most pleasant conduct trainings on the great science to be happy about the wisdom in building relationships, about the secrets of love in the family ... My wife and I are happy together when conducting training "Love and family: the art of intimacy" - then look each other in happy and close your eyes even more joyful.
After inspiring a group of "Time Management" idea on a daily basis to write their goals for the year to plan your day where it is easier. Try it! If you have to take care about someone, help someone you from family and friends to organize yourself - to invest in it without a doubt. A friend wants to lose weight - choose the best diet for him, keep him in this feat for your health. How do you think, who would soon become the most ardent supporter of the need for commitment and discipline? You, and you're handy. Began to teach others - can soon start to do all that is needed as it should.