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Our sexual karmic problem

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Our sexual karmic problem
According to eastern astrology, before each man faces a variety of karmic tasks that must be performed. Karmic task - it is the most important tasks. They are higher level tasks of social or moral. The timely implementation of these guidelines depend on the health, material prosperity, mental peace, as well as the human lifespan. To solve many tasks needed strength. Therefore, at the very beginning of independent life, on the threshold of his manhood, he must solve the problem of sexual karma. It consists in the fact that each of us in this life is predetermined by their own steam, their own half. Find a man and join him in marriage - this means to fulfill their sexual karmic problem. A highly organized person may refuse to physical intimacy because intuitively feels that "it is not my man," that somewhere there is one person with whom he could get a much richer range of feelings and experiences. A nizkoorganizovannye person engage in sexual communication disorder because "the time has come" or because "then I will not meet its own pair, thereby solving the problem of their karma.

The choice of sexual partner

In love, there is one simple rule: how much you take - so much to give. Only interacting, partners can achieve a harmonious relationship. We often look for some kind of supernatural love, we want special treatment for themselves, while forgetting to give the same special treatment in return. Sex and erotica - it's also the components of love, which are very many and very often mistaken for love itself. Between a man and a woman, there is another very important component of love and sexual relations - the exchange of energies, and during sexual contact, people combine their karma and karmic energy is exchanged.

When people meet the other half, which each passing day and every night is filled with love and understanding when they manage to get along with one partner in a long and happy life - you could say that they are very lucky! In this case the karma of two loving people are becoming common at the time of sexual pleasure energy penetrates into each other, the partners share a part of its energy. It is thanks to the unity of the spouses is the energy of mutual assistance in working out karma. For example, before meeting with the beloved man could not take in the business, could be some chronic diseases, from time to time made themselves felt, and after a happy marriage all the troubles went into decline.
The energy that we share partner during orgasm, may be useful only if it is clean. What does this mean? It's very simple, imagine that you are entering into an intimate relationship with many partners. A lot of karma did not worked out or worked out a lot less than yours. Karmic debts may also be different in its "gravity" - someone has to work out the karma of murder, violence and betrayal.

Coming into contact with such a partner, you take some of his own karma, if you have this one sexual partner or you are married, then this karma you assign more than one partner or his legal husband. Is it any wonder then, that your life becomes more and more new problems?

Sexual energy must not be abused, because she has the same nature as the energy directed at the creativity and creation. Many of us are having sex just for pleasure, and then into adulthood feeling drained and start looking for real feelings. Many of the exercises taught us that sex can not be without love and there is a deeper meaning. When we consider the opposite sex only as a source of pleasure, we are creating a Karma, thanks to which we also perceive only as a sexual object.


Exchange of information and insight into the karma of a partner the more intense the more you want them to enjoy. Therefore we must very carefully choose sexual partners, the more often you change them, the more likely that you will "pick up" negative vibrations. Especially likely pick up a negative energy at short-term bonds, bonds for one night or when engaging in group sex.

When you have a steady sex partners are harmonizing energoprotsessov, quite simply, finding a partner closer, you begin to take on only the energy that is in tune with your karma. Why infidelity is dangerous? Imagine the following situation, a hero-lover has a legitimate wife and mistress. And that is another familiar, but the first clue about the existence of the second and just wants to get rid of it, the second just as the first hates and dreams that a man separated from his wife and belonged only to her.

And this hero-lover is a carrier of energy of these two women, who not only do the opposite, they are aimed at destroying an opponent! How do you think will feel a man inside which two negative energy to destroy each other? Is it any wonder then that the husband leading a double life suffer from nervous disorders and various diseases of the genitourinary system. Yes, do not be surprised, negative energy, not only affects your mental state, but on the condition of your organs. The same thing happens with women who change their husbands or meet with several partners simultaneously.

Cellular memory

No matter how long you have had a connection with one or another partner, you can completely get rid of its energy only after 3-7 years from the date of separation. Why these numbers? Because here we use a physiological cycle (update of blood) - in women 3 years for males 4 years. As well as the astrological cycle 7 years, it is believed that it was during this time there is a complete update of energies. It sometimes happens that people have for several years do not communicate, dispersed to different cities, but the energy with which they exchanged constantly remind them about each other. This energy is in memory of our cells, so regardless of our desires occasionally makes itself felt.

There is quite a misconception that as soon parted with a partner to start a new novel, they say, so soon experience it the bitterness of parting. Energy ex-partner has not gone anywhere, it is in you and you face it with energy has a new partner, the effect is almost the same as if you had two simultaneous sexual partners. Naturally, this does not say that, having parted with a man or woman should live in splendid isolation from 3 to 7 years, no!

But it is better to abstain for a while have sexual intercourse. Each for itself shall determine the date, in any case if it were a serious relationship broke up and people tend to come down and start a new life takes time. I think there is nothing wrong with that a little patience, but in the future, love and sexual contact will bring you true happiness!
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