PR itself, or how to file a beneficial
The ability to make a good impression on others - is an art. Open, optimistic, positive people are much more likely to succeed. Psychologists say that you can create yourself an impression that you make on others. Well, it makes sense to believe them. Learn to create your own image!
On what exactly the impression we make on people around us, are affected by many of our successes in many spheres of life - at work, in my personal life. Nobody wants to seem an upstart, annoying or surly. And few who refuse the fact that he was pleased when people appreciate him for his intelligence, talent, wit, energy, and so on.
Is it possible to do so to get noticed and acknowledged? It is possible, and at first glance is quite easy - just be yourself, say what they think, and all - recognition in your pocket. However, not all so easily and unambiguously, as it seems. There are many books and articles on self-presentation, there are special training for those who want to improve your ranking in the eyes of others.
Let's try to take control of the impression. All of us in life to play different roles, put on a different maximum - about his wife, doting mother, a perfect employee. Should refer to the upcoming debut of us as if we play a role, and play honestly and convincingly. Believe me, the dividends will not disappoint you. People who can competently build its image, moving up the career ladder, get a raise, gaining weight and influence in the community. Those who have sympathy with the cause at first glance, the first word is never shortage of friends. Is it possible to gain the respect and position of others? When humility is laudable, but when harmful? that you can take to become the soul of the company?
Its a new team
You change jobs? the first time anyone in a new place feel more trapped and constrained - this is normal. Your main task - to be able to mend relations with the team, create a sense of goodwill. The first meeting with future colleagues, of course, important. Opinion about a person, usually develops within half a minute after they met, and it is difficult to change later. First catches the eye hairstyle and shoes, so they should pay close attention. And only then will cover your eyes completely. Try to use gestures when speaking of openness - open palm of his hands up, shrugging his shoulders and so on. But here, was the first and most terrible moment, what's next? And then stick to those rules that we bring to your attention below.
- Talking with colleagues, show as much interest, showing its openness and willingness to make contact.
- Adjust the style of their conversation, depending on the rules that are accepted in this society.
- Establish contacts. If, on Fridays staff arrange a tea party, is next Friday to bring a cake and invite colleagues to celebrate your appointment.
- Define an informal leader in your new team, so you can more quickly understand the laws and customs by which this group lives.
- Represent yourself with a positive side. Tell us a little more fun and good.
- Do not rush to the estimates even more negative. After all, any person in any situation you can find the positive aspects - that's it and be engaged.
- Ask questions.
Your colleagues probably do not like you if you behave arrogantly and haughtily, if you ask inappropriate questions, such as salary of the chief, and so on. Also, do not be too chatty and annoying.
Should be able to make a good impression not only in the workplace, for example, at a party, it is equally important. If you have to come to the party where a lot of strangers, just tune in for a pleasant and easy communication.
- Smile and try to appear friendly and open. Can rehearse in front of a mirror at home.
- Keep the conversation, ask questions. But do not download their interlocutors in their own problems or too long monologues.
- Keep up with the pace of speech. Try to speak calmly, not fast, it will show you a man staid, sober.
In any company you can find the most friendly person - please create a conversation with him. There are many topics that are interesting to all, and which necessarily support, the main topics found.
If you still have managed breccia stupid, do not be silent until the end of the party, huddled in a corner. Spread the shoulders, take a free independent posture - this will help you recover.
If you feel awkward, just watch the audience, and look at each of no more pleasant, positive qualities - that will help you relax and tune in a positive way.
But do not overdo with benevolence. Praise should be only what you really like, because the insincerity feel Labour is not. And then, goodbye, good image and open person, the soul of any company.
And remember, like absolutely everyone is simply impossible. There will always be people who will treat you with suspicion. and not always be connected just with you as an individual. So do not worry.
Your new friend just do not like, if you're in a harsh manner to condemn and preferences, tastes, actions, if you're not interested in what you describe, and if you are very intemperance in alcohol or food.
Change the prevailing opinion about yourself is not as easy as it seems at first glance. If the stereotype that arise against you in any way flattering to be called, should begin with introspection. Try to understand why the others happened to you it is opinion.
- Adjust your style and your appearance. Let your new image will attract attention, which can be used to change the opinions of others about yourself.
- Do what you have not done before ever. Try to imagine yourself with a new, more good side.
- Participate in joint activities - it is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their organizational abilities.
- Offer your ideas, do not be afraid to take responsibility.
- Do not allow yourself to use. Do not be afraid to offend someone.
If you suddenly become the victim of suspicion and gossip, try to directly and categorically speak with gossips. Better if this conversation will take place in the presence of disinterested persons.
Your old friends do not like your inactivity when you are not pleased with their luck, your indifference, but also, if you will constantly emphasize their superiority.
This exercise is best done at bedtime, at this time, our subconscious is most active. So, relax and close your eyes. Try to imagine yourself in a movie theater - a further representation would resemble the movie. Imagine the person you will meet. Think about what is important to him in his life that he expects from you? Put yourself in his place? What pleasure it would be up to you to hear? Scroll through this picture for a while, a few minutes. The next morning, when you come to a meeting, your subconscious will help you in that you have made a good impression.
Before an important conversation or meeting should be possible to reassure yourself - eat something tasty, put your favorite and comfortable clothes, bring a "lucky" charm and so on.
How to conquer fear
Do you have an interview tomorrow, or even the first day at his new job?
- Take a sheet of paper and divide it into two columns. In the first write to all its positive features, the second negative. Let your friends Adjust your schedule. Now look at the list and try to understand what qualities can help you in your new job, and which hinder.
- Think about the situations in which, that you are also downsides. Think about how you can avoid such situations.
- Scroll to mind scenarios of your meeting tomorrow. Think about what unpleasant moments can spoil your mood, while others experience. Think about how you can get out of these situations without losing his dignity. Rehearse your behavior.