Pain as the feedback from the world
The pain is real, but it is difficult to determine. It is subjective - only the person who it is, can tell you about it, although we have not such a rich vocabulary to describe it. There are no magic medical instruments through which the doctor could objectively determine what force you're experiencing pain. Pain is always real for its owner. It is therefore very important to believe what people say about their pain. Certain parts of our body is very sensitive, and we know exactly where it hurts. Some causes of pain and its manifestations, such as blood or fracture may be visible, although the pain is not visible. Injuries inflicted in the area where the pain receptors bit will cause pain somewhere else - will "transfer" of pain. Internal organs have a small amount of pain receptors, so, for example, in the early stages of a heart attack feels pain in his left hand.
Pain deserves attention and respect. Pain as feedback from the world, transmitted by your body: something goes wrong and needs attention. Severe chronic pain may require medical intervention and treatment with medicines, though much can be done in addition to such treatment. The methods by which patients can self-manage their pain, which eventually leads to an understanding of the fact that the standard dose is not suitable for everyone equally.
Technique of pain
Awareness of your pain, talk with her attention to her, her description of the change in its submodalities will help you to remove or at least reduce any pain. Popraktikuemsya with a headache. Try to see their pain and describe it. What is it? What is your pain? This fiery hoop szhivayuschy your head or cold metal helmet? It is a stone inside the head? Or strokes with a heavy hammer at one point? This is a transparent jellyfish, swaying inside the brain? Or driven into your skull nails? Describe the pain in detail, because, as you imagine, using all channels of perception. Now try to "remove" the pain of the head. Put it on the extended arm. Inspect it in more detail, talk to her ...
Refer to your pain, show respect:
-My darling pain that you want me to say what signaliziruesh? Need less to sit at the computer, take breaks to work on his thesis, allows the eye to rest? Of course, you're right. I promise you more attentive to their health ... I now popyu tea and take a small break, enjoying the fact that we have found a common language with you, and you, dear, let me ... How are you feeling? How has your pain? Do you still keep it before him? She became less? Try to squeeze it in my hand and easy to throw out of the past, visual memories. Throw it in the upper left corner. Open the fist. Smile. Wave goodbye to your pain. Do not gloat that you could circle it around your finger. And thank for the fact that she came to you to say something, something to warn.
10predupreditelnyh signal Health
1.Obostrennoe awareness and assessment of himself.
2.Zhelanie daily take time to relax and meditate.
3.Ustoychivaya ability to maintain a close relationship.
4.Stremlenie adapt to changing conditions.
5.Postoyannoe desire for physical activity.
6.Ostrye and chronic bouts of laughter.
7.Navyazchivoe desire to have fun and joy.
8.Povtoryayuschiesya bouts of hope and optimism.
9.Hronicheskoe desire to take care of your body.
10.Sistematicheskoe rejection anxiety.
WARNING! Six or more of these symptoms mean that you have excellent health.