The original Greek word for palmistry or palm reading or palm analysis is Chiromancy or Cheiromancy. While ‘Cheir’ means hand, ‘Manteia’ stands for divination. Palmistry is the art of studying the formation of the total hand including the formation of fingers, their characteristics, finger nails, finger prints or impressions, thumb, skin texture, color, the shape, hardness and flexibility (dermatoglyphics), and above all the lines or creases on the palm of the hand.

Palm reading is practiced all over the world with local variations in analysis and prediction. Palmistry also studies the characteristics of the personality of the subject as the character and the personality of the person determine his future.
Psychic Hope is a highly intuitive and spiritual psychic reader. She can do palm readings using a very special type of palm reading called Jaquin Palmistry.
Jaquin Palmistry was named after Noel Jaquin, a famous British palmist and diagnostician. He was able to diagnose diseases of hospital patients in Charing Cross Hospital and he also used palmistry in criminological investigations.