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Parental love

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Parental love

Never cease to be relevant utterance Russian teacher of XIX century. PF Kapterev: "For a child affection, love, tenderness - one of the most urgent needs, the child will suffer nedokarmlivanie easier than deprivation of affection. Without love and affection a child wither and deteriorate. And this love, it can only be found in the family. " Full development of the child's physical and spiritual growth are only possible in a healthy family. Just a happy family can give the child a feeling of happiness, configure it to achieve success in the future. Happy family - it's such a family, in an atmosphere of universal understanding, love, peace of mind.

Keeper of the hearth, the closest man-child - the mother. And the more it affects how the relationship will be formed in the family. That mother should take care that the family was an atmosphere of love and peace, so that each felt the importance and at the same time felt the need to communicate with other family members. This will make the family the family in the full sense in which "seven I," and every "I" feel part of the total, with each "I" understand, and if one of the "I" bad, bad, and everything else, and if a happy one 'I', happy all around.
All parents, of course, love their children, care for them, but often these feelings in different ways. Someone is soft in dealing with the favorite child, someone overly strict and severe. The reasons for this different behavior of the parents are different, but somehow the tactics of their behavior has one goal - the benefit of the child. The child is at an early age, unlike older children, generally understand the strict attitude toward themselves parents (if you make a comment or criticize, then there is for that), it is very difficult to understand the excessive severity of their beloved parents, he sees it as a rule, as an expression of distaste.

One four-year-girl, for example, are very worried when my mother called her not Nastya, Nastya and simply. She immediately turn in on themselves, but on my mother's question "What happened?" Replied: "You blame me." The child is very important to see the outward manifestation of parental tender feelings. Outward expression of parental love plays a big role in the development of the child's personality in shaping his moral qualities. So try as gentle as possible to contact the children, find for them kind words. They will help them realize of being wanted, to feel confidence in yourself, warm the soul: my sweet, my darling, sweetheart, my dear, what would I do without you (do) you're my assistant (assistant), all you get is not worry, do not worry - I'm with you, I'm glad (glad) that you all get ...

Parental love does not happen a lot?

Do not worry, that parental love will make your baby too effeminate. A similar appeal to him is at an early age just need for the full development of the child as a person.And very importantly similar treatment in the family, not only between adults and kids, but also among themselves adults. Hard to argue with the teacher, PFKapterev, a statement which has already been cited: "If a child ever since, as deliberately opened his eyes and sees that his father first thought of his mother, the mother of the father, and both together on it - a child, the beginning of the right to education should". A child growing up, trying to move the pattern of behavior in the new team, in which he will sooner or later have to enter (kindergarten, school, friends in the neighborhood), and later as an adult, will build on this relationship and the stereotype in their own family.

In the manifestation of love for a child is important, of course, do not overdo it. It is one thing - kindly appeal to the baby, quite another - with the child, as the idol, and permissiveness. Everyone, especially small, need parental love . But love is reasonable, making it better. So when we talk about the importance and necessity of a mother's love for the normal psychological development, baby, can not distinguish between the concepts of love and affection. Love for the child may be unlimited, but kindness should always be limited. This is not talking about excessive austerity and restraint in education, just want to emphasize that the child does not know a world in which he came. He eagerly absorbs experiences, transforming them into their own program behavior.

And if the first days of life, this experience will have an idea of the incessant heat of Pampering mother's hands, the constant readiness to anticipate all desires, all the moods, the collision of it with the wider communion, he will expect the same attitude towards themselves from all others. But whether these expectations? Would such ideas about human relationships conform to him later to present a life? Therefore, do not turn your love indulging the whims of everyone's favorite offspring.

In future, this could seriously hinder his normal communication with others. Indeed, such an attitude is possible only up until the child turns only in close family circle and not in a position to act independently. Subsequently, he develops a sense of superiority over other human beings, the desire to impose its will. Strangers he would simply ignore it, but in relation to family and friends has become a real tyrant.We can assure you that live near such a man very hard. There were cases when spoiled children are no less closed than those who were deprived of attention from parents.
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